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Forum in a game

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rorybob, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. rorybob

    rorybob Well-Known Member

  2. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Pretty interesting game, i think it would give us more publicity :D
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    give us a synopsis of the game and your intent. also is it going to be a free game or one you charge a small amount for?
  4. rorybob

    rorybob Well-Known Member

    This is a game where a player develops skills to become the greatest MMO player ever.
    They play Games to increase Gaming-Skill.
    They Watch TV or Go Foruming to increase thier personality.
    They Browse the internet to gain "Net-Talk/Metagaming" Abilities.
    They get hacks to improve thier "leet-nes".
    Personality, Coupled "Net-Talk/Metagaming" Abilities , cause other users of the MMO to be nicer to you so you get into Clans and such, so you gain Exp quicker so you can rise ranks in the hope of beign upgraded to a new game.
    Gaming Skill multiplied by the "leet-ness" divided by 2 gives you the base exp gain.
    Any bonuses gained by Personality and "Net-Talk/Metgaming" are added on the end of the calculations and do not get halved.
    The forum images will be used for the "Foruming" part of said skill developing.
    This game will be free and will (hopefully) be posted on Newgrounds upon Completion.
    this means that i can do no direct advertisement during the game, but images are acceptable.

    I hope this clears it up for you, any other queries are welcomed.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not sure newgrounds would be impressed at our forum being in said game, but I have no objections. You ought to ask seph though.