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Formating ADATA SDHC card for DSi

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by jmohr8, May 25, 2012.

  1. jmohr8

    jmohr8 New Member

    I am quite new to the DSi world. My son has just gotten one and I'd like to download some games for him. I get this part, but the part that is giving me trouble is preparing the microSD card. I've got a:

    • 16GB ADATA microSDHC card
    • Class 4

    I've formated it on Vista by inserting it into my laptop, right-clicking, and formating with FAT32 Filing System, Allocation Unit Size of 32 kilobytes (the default setting).

    I downloaded a couple of game from Romulation, unzipped the .rar files, then loaded the .nds files onto the card (contained in no folder). I then inserted this into our DSi console and looked for the games - not there.

    Could someone tell me what I'm missing?

    Thank you in advance.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the microsd card needs to contain the flashcart firmware as well, and I think some flashcarts expect the roms to be in a folder called 'games'
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Your info isn't sufficient, you'll need to provide more detailed info;
    1. What is the flash cartridge in use? (Brand, firmware version, etc.) *Copy whatever info is written on the sticker/box of your flash cart.
    2. What is the DSi console's firmware version?
    3. Is there any secondary firmware in the SD Micro pre-installed by the flashcart seller? (YSMENU/WOOD R4/AKAIO/WAIO, etc.)
    4. Besides the .NDS files (game rom file), are there any other files in the SD MICRO? Especially before and after you format it.
    If yes, list them in your post. If not, have you followed the installation instruction provided by your flash cart maker?

    Here're the reason why we need to know the above;
    1. If we know what firmware is your DSi and flash Cart, we can identify if the DSi's firmware is compatible with the flash cart or not.
    Chances are if its not, then you'll have to locate an update/upgrade for your flash cart so that it work on the DSi.
    2. If there is a secondary firmware in your DSi, you might have to run the games via that secondary firmware to overwrite Anti-Piracy
    set to block the game from working.
    3. This one is my main concern about your issue; seems to me you had formatted the SD Micro, added some .NDS files, but forgot that
    you need to add some files related to the flash cartridge for it to work. Or, it could be that you had by accident format the SD Micro
    but forgot to backup the files pre-installed in the SD Micro. Another possibility is you forgot to follow the installation process, which
    require you to download a package from the flash cart's website to add into your SD Micro.
    4. Besides the .NDS, there should have been files such as;
    _DS_MENU.DAT, _DS_MENU.SYS, _SYSTEM_ folder, etc. depending on what flash cart is in use. The content of the files in the SD
    Micro will vary from cart to cart. If from the start you hasn't seen such file in the SD Micro prior to formatting it, go to the cart's
    official website (address usually provided on the sticker of your flash Cart or the box that came with it). Download and extract it,
    then add it into your SD Micro, run the flash cart, and there might be a need to run the installer (again the very reason we need to
    know the brand of your flash cart is important for anyone to help should you not know where to locate the files required). If you had
    by accident deleted those file when formatting it, re-download the file package from their website.

    Anyway, in order for anyone on this forum to help you; you'll need to help yourself by providing us those crutial information. Else we can't do much. It would be waste of your time and everyone's if we have go through guessing process, and span the process of helping over several pages of post when a short one would do everyone good.
  4. jmohr8

    jmohr8 New Member

    Thank you Prectorian and Loonylion,
    To get back to you, I must apologize - I rather confused when you mentioned the term 'flashcart'. I assume this is something I am missing at this point. I've got a microSD card as mentioned above and I included all I could find in the way of information from the package for this, but are the microSD and the flashcart one and the same? Clarifying this will help me proceed with some of the answers to the questions asked.

    Thank you in advance.

  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no, the flashcart is a device which the microsd goes into, then the flashcart is inserted into the DS game slot. It is not possible to play roms on a DS without a flashcart.