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For those who want to quit cigarettes but can't get over the mental cravings

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mcoupe69, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    My Stop Smoking Coach w/ Allen Carr: (I saw a lot of immature bashing on the comment section of the game on this site, all of the comments seemed like they came from a buncha people who really didn't even try the thing out and just decided to bash it.. but if certain people did try and it didn't work for them ah well.. I really havn't fealt like smoking a cigarette.. What the game/book/dvd/whatever you buy of allen carr's does is it attempts to remove the mental aspects of your cravings by showing you that all of them are malicious illusions created by nicotine (Trust me.. once you have convinced yourself that these illusions aren't true .. the physical withdrawls seem like nothing).. it entails a lot of positive affirmation which im not very good at but meh ..I have been trying really hard and it seems to be paying off.. I finished the road to quitting part of the game and now pretty much all that is left is the benefits calandar which you check back every day the first week and once a week for a month after that.. to see what your body is getting back.. you really notice the difference .. but other than that i would not replay the mini games included.. they are fun once while you are going through the initial program but after that its kinda whatever..

    Either way I would try this out just to see if it works for you, One of the coolest things in the game is that it lets you know about how many cigarettes you have smoked since you started based on your average per day.. how much money you would save if you quit and how many you would have smoked by the age of 85.. all things that you could do math to figure out yes.. i know.. but still a good way to kick off the beginning of the program
    [My Results for these : 13,000-15,000 cigs since i started in 2006 {} $70,000 in a lifetime saved if I quit now{}
    {} and by the age of 85 on average I would have smoked close to 300,000 cigarettes.. :-L)

    Overall I believe this little "presumably insigificant" game has and will help me to quit smoking :D

    PS: I have tried to quit about 4 br3astzillion times.. ( many many times) :U

    Another Sidenote: this program doesn't use the aid of any nicotine substitutes which I think is pretty cool.. I have been through all of em anyway.. the gums... the patches... electronic water vapor/nicotine cigarettes.. and even chantix.. none worked for me in the end
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    comments cleaned up, thanks for the heads up.
  3. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    word, wasn't really aiming for that but glad to help :)
  4. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    day 6 without sticks :)
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Good stuff :)

    Mate of mine tried to quit..in the end, he gave up cigs...and moved onto cherry flavoured cigars :(

    I had no idea this actually worked-guess your mind made it work-now if they made the following I'd buy them...

    "My stop gaming coach"

    "My stop forum browsing"


    (Seriously been here WAAAYYY too much)

    I might refer this onto some of my mates and see how this goes.
  6. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    Re: For those who want to quit cigarettes but can\'t get over the mental cravings

    True that, and if you do show it to any of your friends the only way it is even going to have a chance of working is if they really want to quit
    Post Merge: [time]1259082759[/time]
    this topic no longer has any meaning, seeing as I just smoked a cigarette.. I don't get why stress triggers the need/want to smoke so bad.. You would think I could be better than that.. fckmylifee
