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For Those who loves one manga.

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by c740, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. c740

    c740 Well-Known Member

    OM Shutdown Update
    posted by zabi - 8:17pm
    The day has finally come! It has been a great run and we thank you all for your kind words and support. We couldn't answer all the email we got (because we got a ton!), but know that all of your messages were read and heartfelt. Some were especially touching, and we can be proud of the fact that OM made a difference in some people's lives. Better than 'peanut butter and jelly' indeed!

    Because a lot of you have questions, here are some answers to frequently asked questions we have been receiving:

    Is OM shutting down completely?
    - No. We are just removing the online reading component of the site.

    When is the manga coming down?
    - The plan was to remove all the manga on July 31st. But seeing how Aug 1st is a Sunday, we decided to leave the manga up for an extra day for people to finish their weekend reading. The removal time has now been set to Aug 1st, 11:59PM PST.

    Why not partner with publishers and change OM to a paid subscription model?
    - It certainly makes sense, and we did consider it. But we don't have the resources nor the contacts to reach out to the publishers directly. At least not the people who make these kinds of decisions, most of whom are in Japan. If you are a publisher reading this and are interested in working with OM, feel free to contact us!

    Why remove the unlicensed manga too?
    - We debated this for a while. It is not clear at this point whether or not publishers have a problem with unlicensed manga scanlations. We have decided to remove the content until we have a better sense of what their stance on this is.

    Are you going to leave the manga list and series information up?
    - Yes. Now that we don't have to worry about the online reading part, we may even beef up our list which has always been somewhat lacking.

    Any future plans for OM?
    - We had some features planned for OM even before we decided to shutdown the online reader. Some of them were being rolled out on the beta site. We will finish rolling out these features as some of them are pretty close to done. We are also open to any ideas you might have, so do write to us with your suggestions!

    What will happen to the beta?
    - We'll try and maintain it for those that want to keep using it. It will require some changes though, so in the interim it may be buggy.

    How can you help OM?
    - Contact the publishers and tell them you love us! :). Send us feedback and suggestions on what you would like to see on the site. Join our Facebook group (400k+ and counting!). Other than that, your words of support is all that we need. We have made peace with the fact that the site is ending, and are just glad we had a chance to provide a service that brought smiles to many people's faces.
  2. 2zzzZ

    2zzzZ Member

    OM changed my life, that's why i was really sad bcoz of this news
  3. CrashmanX

    CrashmanX Well-Known Member

    Rather amused me truthfully. Now people will actually have to DL their manga like everyone else. Or, I know this maybe a shocker, BUY IT!
  4. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Not every manga is available on the store though.
    Some can only be found online.
  5. CrashmanX

    CrashmanX Well-Known Member

    And? I fail to see your point here, I can only see this as being a bad thing if the manga is not translated.
    The only reason I can see to read Manga online would be if your away on vacation or something and a new chapter is released.
    If a manga is already licensed you should buy it, if not just DL the chapters.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    And some can only be found in import shops. :p
    There are ways of getting Manga from other places.
  7. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    I meant to refer that for some people buying isn't even an option.
    Some mangas that is hard to find in store or anywhere else can be easier found online, and not all manga has been licensed or available to buy.

    Of course, if I find a copy of it I'll buy it instead of reading online.
  8. CrashmanX

    CrashmanX Well-Known Member

    If its online scanlated, its available somewhere for purchase. End of story. Someone had to buy that manga in order to upload it didn't they?
    As far as people not being able to buy the manga, thats situational and doesn't apply to everyone. If you cant buy the manga you want your going to have to find a way if you want to read it.