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Flashcart Rating

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by sesshomaru13, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. sesshomaru13

    sesshomaru13 Member

    I recently upgraded to a DSi and was thinking about getting a flashcart too.

    But can any one enlighten me as to which flashcart is the best for playing nds roms on the DSi?
  2. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    Acekard 2i
  3. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Lmao, CycloDS isn't for DSi.

    Now, best cart for DSi is either Acekard 2i, M3iZero, or the upcoming Supercard DSTWO
  4. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    Oh crap, sorry xD
  5. sesshomaru13

    sesshomaru13 Member

    Are there any known problems or glitches associated with them?

    Does one work better than another?
  6. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Acekard 2i is my only real recommendation in this case. It is the best DSi flash cart out there with the highest compatibility rate currently.
  7. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Acekard 2i is the best.
  8. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    Agreed. The Acekard 2i is the best flash cart out on the market right now. It has the highest compability for ROMs and has less issues compared to any other flash cart in production.
  9. baytech08

    baytech08 Well-Known Member

    I just ordered an Acekard 2i today, and I'm gonna use AKAIO firmware with it...apparently it's even more compatible with games...corect me if I'm wrong.
  10. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    AKAIO is way times better than the official firmware.
    The official firmware doesn't get updated anymore.
  11. rchuncleskeleton

    rchuncleskeleton Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna disagree with all the "Acekard Fanboys" and state a couple of facts: The M3i Zero is an excellent card that is compatible with the DSi and all other DS systems
    The M3i Zero has many extra features not included in the Acekard 2i, including Real time save and real time guide functions.
    The M3i Zero has the ability to Run Touchpod(original m3 real firmware) Sakura(newer better smoother firmware) ItouchDS(itouch ds firmware) and the new Kaura firmware.
    The M3i Zero Supports Native GBA rom loading on the DS and DS lite(provided you purchase the m3 gba expansion pack), thus you won't have to install any special loaders to play gba games on it.
    The M3 team(the actual team and not some third party, like acekard) releases firmware updates with every major release and is usually updated at least once a month.
    The M3i Zero is only about $6 more than the acekard 2i and well worth the extra money.

    So there you have it....Solid Concrete evidence of why I suggest the m3i zero and not just some heresay without know what the heck is going on.
  12. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The first point is pretty moot, as nobody buys a cart based on real time saving and a guide alone.
    The AKAIO firmware completely destroys any of the M3 firmware in terms of compatibility and functionality.
    Either way, you can't run GBA roms without an expansion; so why does it matter if you have to take an extra small step to give yourself more than likely better functionality over the M3 expansion?
    AKAIO gets updates whenever they are needed. Why does it matter if it is third party if it works far better than any firmware the official team has made?

    So no, it is not worth the extra $6. Anybody who would buy an M3 of any sort over an Acekard 2i is an idiot. M3 and R4 are the worst cards on the market, except that the R4 (original) recently got a third party firmware that brought it back from the hole it was in. There are very clear best cards on the market, and M3 is not one of them.
  13. Yohko86

    Yohko86 Member

    My suggestion is that you look into getting an M3i Zero for your DSi. Despite many fanboys beating down other flashcards, while exalting the Acekard 2i (which BTW, is a good card; one of the best), the M3i Zero is also a good card, it's just underdog-like as far as a forums like Romulation are concerned (most people here have either R4s or Acekards). It has excellent ROM compatibility (over 90%), frequent updates its firmware (usually between 1 and 2 months), strong support base, good, friendly and knowledgeable customer support, plus other pluses. Bought mine almost 5 months ago and haven't regretted it yet!

    But all in all, do your own research and come to your own conclusions. Acekards, M3i Zeros, and R4s are all good cards in their own right; spare yourself from listening to a fanboy's "explanation" of why their card's "better" doesn't amount to anything and especially won't do yourself any good, either. Unless they can give you some solid facts to build upon, forget 'em!
  14. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    It really is annoying to see all these posts debating about firmware and flashcarts.

    It's up to the consumer (ie - the person who actually buys it), not up to the people telling you what to buy.

    My brother wants an R4, but I keep telling him to get an AK2i to ensure that all of the games work, but the Wood R4 is beefin' up the old cart, so I'm going to get it for him as a present. (Shhhh, don't tell him. ;) ).
  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    If only the original R4 could hold a better memory stick, I would love mine that much more. I can work with 2gb, though I'll be getting a second memory stick soon.

    By the way, wasn't saying M3i is a bad cart, just saying that even when the M3i had issues with a game, Acekard2i usually didn't. I'm currently anticipating the DSTwo anyways, just gotta hope it is worth the wait.