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Flashcart not saving settings, games...

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by LHST, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. LHST

    LHST Member

    What the hell is happening, guys? The flashcart it's not saving! It's a R4i3D (the "NEW" one) and I'm having this issue since the last weeks. If I play a game and save it, when I'll to play it again, it's like I haven't save it! I don't know what I should do and what's happening!
    Should I try to change the firmware?
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Be more detail in telling about your problem, e.g. the games you tried, the cart's official website, which nds console, any cheats activated and what are they, any secondary firmware in use (YSMENU/TTMENU/WOOD/AKAIO) and what version?
  3. LHST

    LHST Member

    Radiant Historia and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Reverse of Arcadia

    Just google R4i3D (exactly this) and you'll find it.

    The "Lite" one.

    On Arcadia, I've used the "all cards/stuff" code, since I can't be bothered to get everything. But keep in mind, this is an old save. Since the last friday, I can't save the game. And if I disable the cheats the problem will persist.

    I really don't know about that. But if this helps somehow...
    There's a "_RPG" folder, a _DS_DAT" and a "YSMenu" file whose name I don't remember.

    Did this help?
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    It does help.

    1. how come you have _rpg folder meant for WOOD R4 and YSMENU? Those are files belonging to 2 different secondary firmware.
    2. have you tried using pre-patched rom? if you haven't give it a try.
    3. those games don't auto save, you need to reach certain location and perform the saving process
    4. enabling cheat sometimes causes a messed up the save file
    5. try upgrading your cart's main firmware from the cart's official site, maybe it will work via main firmware instead
  5. LHST

    LHST Member

    Nah...I know what I happened. I think I may have to format my SD. I can't delete any ROM and I can't add any ROM, either. And there's also that strange file "3089" that have 455MB size but my SD still have enough space for 3 +200MB ROMs. It's a 1GB SD card. Hell...
    Any idea about why this happened?
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    3089? Is that a rom number? If it is, then it belongs to 'Hello Kitty - Big City Dreams (E)', but the file size you mentioned is weird cause Hello Kitty's is only around 22Mb. Somehow I think your SD Micro might be infected through your computer. Especially if you can't delete/remove rom manually. I'd suggest you to try virus and malware scan your SD Micro before deciding to back up those files to computer and only then format your SD card and return those files to the card. If deem necessary, you might end up having to add in a fresh copy of the R4i3D's kernel in replacement of the old infected ones especially if you found it hard to distinguish which ones belongs to the R4i3D and those that are malware/virus created, of cause the rom if unable to delete manually best to let it be erased through formatting, it's easily replaceable anyway.
  7. LHST

    LHST Member

    Well... It's not a .nds file, not a .sav... It's nothing. It's a file named "3089" and only that, and also that big size. But I've downloaded a .sav for my Pokemon game and it happened after I've moved that .sav to my SD. Perhaps it's that .sav? What you think?

    And I'll that! Thanks for your help, Prectorian! ;D