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Flashcard question.

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Asteroth, May 10, 2010.

  1. Asteroth

    Asteroth Active Member

    Hi all,

    I'm new in the community, and also im a fresh flashcard owner.
    I have some questions about it ( Anyway i got G6 Real DS )

    1. Its 2GB.
    Thats means, i can load 2GB ROM size games to it?
    Becuz when i tried it, a 128-131 MB file was 1024 MB on my DS.

    2. How many place take the system files?
    Becuz i dont want to leave even a single megabyte, i want to load that much games as i can >:D

    3. Pokemon Soul Silver / Heart Gold.
    Which type of firmware should i use?
    It works fine, no freeze but cant save.. thats very annyoning.

    And sorry for my english, havent got any english teacher on my school, all my english-knew is from videogames ;D
  2. eyeball226

    eyeball226 Well-Known Member

    Hi there.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you sure you don't mean 2Gb? I believe the G6 team measures their sizes in bits. Any size in megabits or gigabits is 8 times the same size in megabytes or gigabytes. That is to say, 8 gigabits is the same as 1 gigabyte and 1 gigabit is only 128 megabyte. If your flash cart is only 2 gigabits then that means it's 256 megabytes. The reason a 128 megabyte game comes out as 1024 is because it's 1024 megabits (half of your space).[/quote]

    I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean. If you're asking how big the system files are, I'm afraid you're more likely to know the answer to that.
  3. Asteroth

    Asteroth Active Member


    Thank you for the answers, now thats nearly all clear :D
    So.. i can load just 2000 megabyte on my card? I mean, i cant load two 1024 MB file to my card, becuz my card shall die? :'D

    Big thx for the patience, im that noobie :)
  4. eyeball226

    eyeball226 Well-Known Member

    No, it sounds like your card is only 256 megabytes (that is 2 gigabits or 2048 megabits). So you might be able to fit 2 128MB games or 4 64MB games. I'm not sure if you can without trimming the roms though.
  5. Asteroth

    Asteroth Active Member

    Now thats all clear!
    Thank you again!