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Flashcard help Acekard Akaio

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by p_wba, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. p_wba

    p_wba Well-Known Member

    hi everyone,I was playing 999 this morning, and all of a sudden it freezes (which has occasionally happened in the past) but when i turned it on again it wont load (did this several times), all other games will load except 999 since freezing, so what does this mean?

    DS lite Ace kard 2.1 with akaio 1.8.6

    and if the problem is that the .sav file is corrupted (which i don't see why it would since i wasn't using cheats at anytime) is there a way to fix it? thanks in advance.

    update: OK i just got done putting a second 999 on my ak and that didn't load either, so that means my sav is still good right?

    update2: i formatted my card with panasonic and 999 still refuses to load!
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    There's no need to post the same question twice. Your initial post in the technical section is already proper, the issue is techincal not related to your flash cart. Why? Because all your other roms work as it should be, only the 999 is problematic. So there is no reason for you to format the sd micro. Its the save file that is most likely the cause, because you had tried using the same save file on 2 different roms. Read my respond to your question in your other post. (http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=56602.0)
  3. Crazyplayboy

    Crazyplayboy Well-Known Member

    Is there any chance that your 999 game roms was broken for some reason. Download this game again and try to reboot it,,,see what happens.
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    He mentioned in his post he had done that.

  5. p_wba

    p_wba Well-Known Member

    sorry man, i just wasn't sure which section my question belonged, plus i was getting antsy from lack of replies.

    Crazyplayboy i did re-DL it and started a fresh sav, 999 wont load no matter what.
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Well, you're not the only who's post didn't get responded for sometime (hours/days) here. My question in another section never got any respond for days. I had to go to another forum website for answers. There it took mere 5 minutes before someone respond and help solve it. I then strike out my post here because I had solved it some place else. Wow...you were really antsy...you had posted the same question in 3 different sections. ;)

    By the way, have you tried encrypt-decrypt the rom or try using the AP Bypass feature inside your acekard ?
    You can read the method in this thread : http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=52218.0
    iluvfupaburger specifically use 999 as his example in solving games not working because of AP.
    Its worth a final shot, if you had tried but not work, then really there maybe nothing you can do about it.
  7. p_wba

    p_wba Well-Known Member

    i believe i did try the ap-bypass feature to no avail, though this de crypt-encrypt concept is new to me.