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Flash Download

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Fennyariel, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Fennyariel

    Fennyariel Well-Known Member

    Could somebody please tell me why when I'm trying to download Adobe Flash player it gets to only 7% done and then loses the connection to the server?
  2. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    If there are any other apps that make use of the internet, close it.. and make sure that your network connection is active, Adobe Flash player update doesnt let you pause and continue the download...
  3. Fennyariel

    Fennyariel Well-Known Member

    You're not understanding my post. I'M not stopping the download, Adobe is. It's going along just fine and then all of a sudden it loses the connection to the sever at 7%.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    thats far more likely to be at your end than adobe's so I highly doubt its adobe stopping the download.