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Discussion in 'General News' started by nomercy, Mar 27, 2008.

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  1. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Released this evening at 7 pm, the anti-muslim movie Fitna.

    Official link: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7d9_1206624103 or find a torrent.

    Watch it and write down your opinion on the movie.

    Another link as the first one is now a statement: http://wikileaks.org/leak/fitna-flash-video/index.html
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i only watched like 4 mins of this and got so mad i turned it off, this is why outdated stupid f**king religions should be destroyed so idiots can not take every word literally and hurt innocent people
  3. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    I've watched it and am totally against it. I have a feeling that this Geert Wilder is to Islam as Jack Thompson is to video games : just plain bullshit. With shit like this it's no wonder there will be no peace in the Middle East.
  4. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    I find it amusing that so many people are so concerned about a single movie. Everybody makes or has made the comments and the jokes, on fora, or just simple pub talk. But now that it is said in the media, the entire country, no the entire world is falling over it.

    LiveLeak has removed the video as they were threatened. Why does that not surprise me?

    It's like two kids insulting eachother and getting worse and worse. Where is the big adult that drives them apart and cools everything down?
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I've no intention of watching it, the comments made by the film's creator is alone enough to make me feel that he is so ignorant he should be shot.
  6. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    I'm just saying, this is provoking Muslims even more. Remember the anti-Muhammad cartoons in Denmark? "Just cartoons"? Yet it caused the same controversy. To me, this movie seems like another (blatant) effort to "flame-bait" Muslims.
    People need to learn respect and tolerance.
  7. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    To BloodVayne:

    Why do we even have tolerance? to accept, to some it's just to deny, but we have to tolerate that? That is abuse all alone, freedom of speech means nothing if it hooks up to abuse, and provoking people is abusing them in it's own way
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    you talk of tolerance that bull all we ever do is tollerate islam shit and do they tolerate us NO. try living in england where the population is starting to be more and more imogrants and they are in our country and they do there own thing and never let us do ours, like some schools can't even let people show our national flag when the football is on because it is a flag for a saint. if i was goin in to someone elses country i'd respect them so, who the F**k do they think they are telling us what they what. i have no problem with islam just extreme views and that vidio is real that is things thier book says and what they do to people. they're sick people who should just get nuked. all my country does is go to there poor ass countries fight rebles to give the country back to the govenment and they don't want it cause they'ed rather just stay backward and shout death to the infadels cracking off an AK in to the air.
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You can't have an opinion on something without watching it.

    That's what I hate about how the Danish Prime Minister handled this, he was all "this is bla bla bla bad, horrible breach of freedom of speech, respect" and whatnot, then he proceed to say he hadn't actually watched the damn thing. Then how the FUCK can he comment on it?

    This film might say a lot about Islam, and a lot about Geert Wilders, I'm going to ignore that because it's heavily biased; this film has told me more about the smocks who condemn it without having watched it.
  10. this is why politicians are stupid, the most decent one recently is stephen harper to me, and even hes made so many mistakes it makes you sick... :'(
    I dont care what people make, THEY CANT FORCE YOU TO WATCH IT
    so go say whatever you want, its your choice whether to give them reason to do it by watching it :-\
    its not them we should blame, its easy to blame someone else, blame ourselves....for watching it when we had a choice

    is it just me...or did I just sound an awful lot like a politician :p
  11. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    @ Karnage : I didn't mean tolerance to abuse, I mean being tolerant about other beliefs. I agree with what you said.
    @equitypetey : Having never lived in England, I trust your word about the conditions there. Terrorists and extremists misinterpret the Quran and take the whole thing out of context, and I hate them because of that (as do many things that get misinterpreted).
    By the way
    Nice show of respect.
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i'll watch it later, but i would like to say that its a pain to live in a islamic country if you are not an islam......its nothing more anoying that thier stupid prayers during 6.00AM -6.30AM.....If pretty sure you get what i mean....
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Islamic terrorists do NOT misinterpret the Qu'ran, they re-write it to suit their own purposes. Islam is a religion that promotes peace and respect.
  14. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Some verses ARE misinterpreted. Examples that come to mind are the verses about Jihad (holy war) and women. They are sometimes taken word for word without understanding the full meaning or the original context. What I meant was the extremists/terrorists are taking only parts of the Qur'an that suit their purposes. Actually rewriting the verses for their own gain has happened, though.
  15. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    This movie makes me feel ashamed for being a Dutch guy :S
  16. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    No, I bet The Islam Terrorists, or Extremeists are actually breaking their own religion trying to "Save others" from going into misinterpreted hell...

    Forexaple, An Islam Extremists believes that if they convert other people to Islam, they will be saving them from going to hell, that's misinterpretation, and they are breaking their religious rule not to forsibly convert people into Islam, maybe they are just trying to "Save Them" In the afterlife...

    but there's a verse from the Book of peace that really annoys me, I saw it on youtube once, it's like, hunt down your something, and kill them, do not stop, whatever, that verse really freaks me out...

    Islam means Seculsion... and Terrorists aren't secluding themselves, they are seculding the arab nations from the real world.... well, I'm not trying to defend them, or anything, I just believe it's a way of "Saving" others into the afterlife.... but I'm not saying their religion is right also, because I'm A different religion..

    Man, I'm confused now
  17. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    last time i only watched 4 minutes of the film cause i got so angry thinking about what those sick bastards do to people i have now just sat through the hole thing and agree with it 100%.

    i'm fed up with every time i go to a big city i'm a minority, i'm fed up with being worried about being bombed. and i'm fed up that i muslim can say what ever he wants to me and i have to tollerate it and if i even say something that he may take out of context or the wrong way that i could be done for racial slander. its a joke. we have thousands come here every year to escape there shit countries and turn ours to the exact same thing.
    and i'm fed up with my own govenment being pussies and not doing anything about it, i was watching the news the other day and the idiots relesed two terrorists from prision early to easy over crowding, the whole country is against it so now they have brought in a rule that this is not alowed to happen again, why not do it in the first place, i'd rather they let a theif or junkie go at least someone that does not have the potential to kill people for a stupid outdated retarded religion
  18. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Oh man Equity got dragged in!!!!


    that is all...
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I'm more worried about the Asians and Eastern Europeans than Muslims. My university could be mistaken for the Red University of China theres so many Asians (they outnumber whites by about 3 to 1), and the university have attempted to coerce students into learning Polish to be able to communicate easier with their 'new Polish neighbours'. All the banks have signs written in Polish outside, and about half the roadsigns are being translated to Polish. FUCK OFF. If they come to England, they damn well learn English.
  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    it is getting to be abit stupid, funny how at one point we were the greatist nation on earth having colonies everywhere and owning half the world, we give it all back bit by bit then everybody wants in because there country sucks and we give free healthcare free benifits free housing free schooling and free everything.
    and its so bad that i don't want to live in my own country so when i have enough money i'm going to canada
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