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First Competetive Pokemon Black/White Team

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by mist3rshizzle, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. mist3rshizzle

    mist3rshizzle Member


    Mienshao @ Life Orb
    Nature: Jolly
    Ability: Regenerator
    Hi Jump Kick
    Stone Edge
    Fake Out
    4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

    Dragonite @ Leftovers
    Nature: Adamant
    Ability: Multiscale
    Dragon Claw
    Thunder Punch
    132 HP / 172 Atk / 204 Spd

    Flygon @ Choice Scarf
    Nature: Adamant
    Ability: Levitate
    Stone Edge
    4 SpD / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

    Latios @ Expert Belt
    Nature: Modest
    Ability: Levitate
    Dragon Pulse
    Ice Beam
    Hidden Power Fire
    4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spd

    Skarmory @ Shed Shell
    Nature: Bold
    Ability: Sturdy
    252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd

    Volcarona @ Air Balloon
    Nature: Timid
    Ability: Swarm
    Quiver Dance
    Fiery Dance
    Bug Buzz
    Hidden Power Grass
    252 SpA / 252 Spd / 4 HP

    Not amazing, but would appreciate advice and rates!
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    One, you have 3 Dragon types on the same team, where two of them are x4 weak to Ice.

    If you run anything that is x4 weak to Stealth Rock, you ought to have a Rapid Spinner. Volcarona at 50% at the start means it won't get a chance to switch in, take a hit, and Quiver Dance. Even without the switch, you're going to have a ridiculously hard time to set up. Also, Hidden Power Grass on Volcarona is okay, but will most likely not OHKO Bulky Waters, and you shouldn't keep Volcarona in on a Water type anyway. I'd run HP Ground to deal with Heatran's Flash Fire, or Hidden Power Rock to deal with Flying types. Bulky Waters should be cleared out by the time you deploy Volcarona. This, coupled with Stealth Rock weakness, and there goes your entire core that the team is built around. It is interesting that you put Air Balloon on Volcarona since it doesn't have a Ground weakness. Life Orb would be more useful, assuming you've cleared the rocks away. I wouldn't be so concerned about Earthquake, but more concerned about the ever so common Stone Edge or Rock Slide. Since the majority of your team is unaffected by Ground moves, expect them to stick to Stone Edge.

    You need something that can change the weather or at least block it. I feel that this gen only reinforces the use of Sandstorm, and a simple change of the weather can knock down potential counters. Either build yours to play nicely in the sand, or change the weather. An Excadrill under any weather condition other than Sandstorm is an easy kill. A Garchomp without the use of Sand Veil is much easier to take down...or you could use these abilities to your advantage by employing your own.

    Your diversity of types is good for the most part, minus the 3 dragons. You have Bug, Psychic, Fire, Dragon, Fighting, Steel and Flying. You might want to get a Ghost or a Dark type to mix in there. I would count on the fact that a Rapid Spin blocker will be present on most teams since Volcarona is quite popular.

    Overall, pretty good. Just not a fan of having 3 dragons on one team. No way to set up or remove rocks and not weather-friendly. I'd watch out for Revenge Killers as well. I can't wait to test out Multiscale Dragonite.

    With all of the new Dream World setups, keep in mind that these are theoretical and not currently allowed since they haven't released these into the Dream World and obviously haven't released female versions of Dream World ability holders, which translates to not being able to breed these legally.
  3. mist3rshizzle

    mist3rshizzle Member

    WOW, really nice reply. I'll be sure to switch things around and test some stuff. i just noticed the 3 dragons on my team lol, ill change one of these 3 to jirachi or excadrill and stick a starmie/dusknoir in my team for rapid spin. and i've been testing this team on Pokemon Online

    EDIT:am i going crazy or does dusknoir even learn rapid spin