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Fire Emblem DS (E) keeps crashing in No$

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Sety251, Dec 28, 2008.

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  1. Sety251

    Sety251 Member

    Here are my settings:

    Emulation Speed: Realtime, Auto
    Reset/Startup Entry Point: Start Cartridge Directly
    Video Output: 24bit True
    3D Renderer: Nocash
    GBA Mode: NDS (In GBA Mode)
    GBA Cartridge Backup Media: Auto
    NDS Cartridge Backup Media: FLASH 512KBytes
    Sound Output: None
    Sound Desired Sample Rate: High (44kHz)(Best)
    Multiboot Port: None/Disabled
    Multiboot Normal/BurstDelays: Medium/Medium (Stable)
    Number of Emulated Gameboys: 1
    Link Gamepacks: Gamepacks in All GBA's
    Link Cable Type: Automatic

    Whenever I attack a boss on normal difficulty the ROM image crashes. Help?
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Do you have 2.6a? From the looks of it you don't. Also, change your 3D renderer to OpenGL, if your computer can run it.
  3. Sety251

    Sety251 Member

    I'm pretty sure I do.

    Changing it to OpenGL makes it really choppy.
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Well then check. About tab.
  5. Sety251

    Sety251 Member

    Oh, it's regular 2.6 <__<;;
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Okay thought so. Otherwise your NDS Backup type would probably be set to Auto. Search the Forums for it.
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