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Finally Showed Up...

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Firefrog, Nov 3, 2007.

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  1. Firefrog

    Firefrog Member

    I guess I had to post sooner or later, so, hey everyone...
  2. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to romulation the home for nerds and other miscellaneous people that are bored.
  3. conjy

    conjy Well-Known Member

    Welcome Firefrog. Hope you have a wonderful time.
    Right now our dd links are down. BUT don't worry, Seph is God, and God > ESA. :D
  4. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    welcome there, firefrog... as it has been mentioned, yeah, downloads are down, ESA is pure cr*p... but don't worry, we'll have some, sooner or later...
  5. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

  6. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Hey hi and welcome.
  7. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    Welcome to firefog

    And to all the others:
    Downloading is not the only thing this site is good for plus if truly have listened to your god seph you woul'd have noticed that this was not made so that people could play games without payin' for them
  8. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    and you think i don't know that?!?!... i love the romulation forums, but the downloads were a part of the site... many people just signed on romulation to download games, so i'm not sure romulation is going to be able to keep up the number of users for much long if the downloads don't appear... don't worry, anyway, i'll be here to bug you, cause i still don't have a nds, and i can't download much, because i don't have much hardrive...
  9. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    If one thing is certain it's that I'll stick with romulation till the end(very improbable that there will be one)
  10. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    don't know about you, but i'll be here until i can't stand you all...
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