I like Final Fantasy XIII, i really do like playing the game. But I have a few issues with it. It seems the healing A.I. in this game is just extremely stupid. Every time i see someone complain about the A.I. medic's lack of healing abilities, i see someone else come in and say "well that's why you have to be the healer". I don't think so. I really shouldn't have to be the healer because my party members are too stupid to do it correctly. There is also the issue with the fact that Square-Enix seemed to have royally screwed up Healing abilities and items. Cure, Weak healing that heals 1 person, Cura seems to heal almost the same as Cure but heals all 3 party members. See up until this game Cura has ALWAYS healed a lot more then Cure. They choose now to compensate for that, while keeping the enemies and bosses at doing damn good damage to me, Come on. A lot of the issues with Healing seem to all stem from the fact that Cure and Cura don't do nearly as much as they should, Especially Cura. You pretty much keep the move the same for like a billion games, and you chose NOW to change it up? Then we have the Healing items, or should 1 healing item, the Crappy, oh so crappy Potion. The worst item that has always healed the Worst in FF games, is now the only healing item, Yes, i do have the Doc or whatever item that doubles Potions healing, It still doesn't help sometimes. while i still have my crappy Medic's failing at healing, you ain't helping at all Square-Enix. Then we have the Leader, oh the wonderful Leader. If the leader dies, it's game over. If i hated when that happened in both Persona 3, and 4, Why in the hell would i love it now? Persona 3 also has issues with Stupid healing A.I.'s. I like this game, i really do, I just have a few issues with what Square-Enix decided to do. i just really need to get this off my chest.
Im the same, I like to be in control of all party members so I can have a dedicated healer that heals when I want them too. I think FF has to go back to the older party system or come up with something else, A.I. party members just ruin things.
Indeed, I don't mind FF13's battle system, it's just that the way they set it up pretty much makes it so you can't control all your characters, it would be way too hectic. Only thing they can really do is go back to the Old Turn based battle system, or make it something of the way of Crystal Chronicles where it's an Action RPG, even then there is the party issue, since unless you switch back and fourth, you won't be controlling your party. Unless they go the way of Tales and Rogue galaxy, where you can pause and pick what moves you need your party members to do. That way it allows for more of a trial and error, since you can easily fix it yourself. It sucks that they for some reason had to mess with healing items. Plus i seem to be using a lot of Phoenix Downs in 13, and i can't get Gil for crap, and they're 1K each to even buy them >.<
Have you made it to Odin? That was my first major hurdle. Second one was the battleship at Hope's place. Third was when I accidentally ran into an Adamantoise.
I gave up on the A.I after the... 3rd boss was it? The big robot/train/bulldozer looking thing. Still loved the game though!
The only issues I really had with my healers was when they would opt to use the weaker cure spells instead of the more powerful ones that costed the exact same amount. That pissed me off at times but I never really had many issues beyond that surprisingly enough. I also had a rather large fondness of using sentinels and such to keep the heat off of me so that might've been part of it too. I still haven't taken down anything stronger than an adamantoise though since I still struggle with those. I'm not so good at equipment setups so I should probably look up a guide for it.
If anyone needs any stuff Iv got the piggyback guide Iv never really had a problem with it, it all about timing of a paragram shift and just building up that stagger metre. I can't really remember much.
I don't have any issues with the AI. They do perfectly fine. Except for Hope. Hope has the dumbest AI I've ever seen.
I only had problems up until the free roaming stage "Chapter 12" I believe. That only caused problems for me since the game was pretty linear up until that point and now I have to do what? The AI wasn't that bad. I learned the hard way that when you use a paradigm with 2+ commandos, then the other commandos tend to take their own agenda...yeah... somewhat stupid AI I take.
I personally agree, though I had little problems with the game overall, just got too boring to continue after the story. I got the guide for the game too, but it seemed like it always wanted you to play defensively, which I didn't like. The frustrating thing was that every other system was essentially fire and forget, you could always trust your allies to play sentinel, commando, and ravager perfectly (This is mostly what made fang such a deadly beast, no need to constantly monitor what she was doing.) The status effect paradigms were a touch iffy, but generally they just threw everything at everyone until you were near godlike, I would have liked to be able to control the order they applied status effects, but the AI was much more efficient than any human could ever be with the synergist and sabateour roles. The Medic on the other hand played like a freaking robot. If someone was near death and the other two had seven hp missing, he would throw cura like a freaking machine to make sure everyone was topped off. I personally set my paradigm deck so that lightning (the one I played as for 99% of the story-game) was medic to circumvent these problems, but it still sucked a lot having to set back and heal while you watched the rest of your party rip into the enemy. Doing such a good job on AI in the other roles doesn't excuse what is arguably the most important role in the game. I can't count the number of times I cursed at hope for not keeping everyone healed up properly, even after I maxed his medic role. About 2 hrs into the game I started playing medic personally, and that ruined the fun of the game for me. so, though that was a bit long-winded, yes, I completely agree that the freaking medic A.I was near retarded