I tried the NES version of Final Fantasy VII, and it won't work, I tried in on FCEUX v2.0.0, NesDS and NesterDS, but I get black screens and error messages, could someone help?
Update your FCEUX, latest version is 2.15 and I'm doin ff7 on it right now. Also you will ALWAYS be able to play pirates on the latest FCEU-mm first (mm's code is made SPECIFICALLY to run newly-discovered pirates, and that code gets integrated into X later) Please note though, it's chinese text only, and according to my up-to-date NES goodset, nobody's bothered to translate it.
That doesn't appear to be an actual NES rom. It's unusually large (3 megs) and will not load in any emulator, even FCEUmm, the NES pirate emulator. The real ff7 NES image is titled "Final Fantasy VII (NJ063) (Ch).nes" and is TWO megabytes big and chinese only. HEY! I thought so! I tried renaming the 7.nes you linked to to 7.smc (SNES rom image), and lo and behold, it's Final Fantasy 3 SNES. That's your problem.
I read on the other thread that it is renamed from an .smc which is an SNES game. You'll be unable to run it on an NES emulator as the NES isn't compatible with SNES games (logic thinking )
Sorry guys its one that I messed up. Heres it reuploaded, I'll change it on the FF thread too: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7EVS94VC