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Final fantasy tactics:wars of lions help!!!

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by zanzetzuken19, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. zanzetzuken19

    zanzetzuken19 Well-Known Member

    how do i level up in this game..? i cant find a way to get side missions for my characters to level up.....>.> help me...
  2. Abeosin

    Abeosin Member

    Here ya go...
    Final Fantasy Tactics Hint: Fast Job Level Up
    This requires one character that has the Knight Skills, "Speed Break" and "Power Break". Everyone else can be any class, but they must have the Squire Skill, "Throw Stone". It may be good to equip them with the "JP up Ability" as well.

    Enter an area where monsters are weak (like the Mandalia Plains) and leave one monster on the field, but wound it with the Speed and Power Break skills. This causes the monster to hardly take any action, leaving all your other members to throw huck stones at one another, and watch them become masters in no time!
    Straight from CCG, I hope it helps :)
  3. zanzetzuken19

    zanzetzuken19 Well-Known Member

    thanks man! hehehehe nice nice! i will try to do this ^^