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Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core (PSP) - jevon2008

Discussion in 'Sony' started by jevon2008, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. jevon2008

    jevon2008 New Member

    So what do you all think of the new Final Fantasy 7 game for the PSP. Personally I think it is great and very well done for a PSP game.
  2. G.C

    G.C Well-Known Member

    I Think It's Okay, Im Kinda Stuck On It Right Now So I Need To Look For A Walkthrough. ;)
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah my brother has this, he's up to the station or whatever it is.
  4. G.C

    G.C Well-Known Member

    Nice, Im Up To This Weird Underground Prison And Theres A Locked Room With A Monster Inside Which I Cant Get Into :-[