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final fantasy 13

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by gameboy5.0, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    ok then now we all know about the new final fantasy game that came out. well i think there are some people out there that want to get the game but dont know if they sould. well this is to help out :D i will try to list the pros and cons of the game here and then people can think if the game is good or not.

    but before i start there are a few rules for this.

    one is that if you put a negative post you must tell why. just saying the game sucks or saying i said so in not good.
    well that all the rules lol

    now time for the pros and cons.

    for the first time this game series is on something that not from sony.
    stuning graphics and well done people.
    very active combat system.
    health comes back after every battle.
    new way to lv up people.
    cons. (for this i will tell why it is a con)
    only to use one person.(in combat you can use only one person in battle and if that person dies then it is game over)
    enemys are shown.(now some think this is a good thing but it is not in 12 for the ps2 they did that becaues there area was a open area most of the time. in 13 you are on a small area and on a path. so there is some times to many enemys near each other and to far apart.)
    hp restore. (after each battle you hp is restore. now the game is hard but it was fun to have some people low on hp and some high when a battle start made it more taticle.)

    now that is done time to say what i think.

    this game is a buy for final fantasy fans i give it a 8.5 out of 10. the game sould offer a lot of fun and some thing to do.

    now rember if you make a negative post you must say why.
    no spam
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I'm at the beginning of Chapter 12. So far I really enjoy the game. I have about 38-40 hours in it so far. I haven't done many missions yet, I plan on going back near the end of the game to complete more.

    The cutscenes are great.

    The battle system is fun, but it sucks that you can't control where your characters go. I hate it when the enemy starts casting an AoE spell, and one of my characters run over to the other so that she'll get hit by it. While it does suck that you only control one character directly, it's not really that bad.

    The game is linear, but I feel that it keeps you on track and drawn to the story more than if you were able to go do other stuff any time you wanted. It would distract from the story.

    The story is good, very interesting, quite a few twists, some unexpected, some you knew were coming, but were different enough from the expected to still be surprising.

    As far as this game being the first time it's on something not from sony, you are wrong. Final Fantasy 1-6, Legends 1-3, etc were for the Nintendo consoles. While Final Fantasy 7 thru 12 were for the PS1/2. 7, 8, and possibly 9 were released as ports to the PC. XI was PC, Xbox360, PS2. The Tactics Advanced games were GBA/DS. Final Fantasy has never really been a Sony exclusive. It just went Sony because Nintendo stuck with the Cartrdige for too long.
  3. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    lol well i change that first one to be on 360 lol
    Post Merge: [time]1269916222[/time]
    nice lol yha just got past weekend and loveing it. but tell that to some of my friend say that the story was very bad.
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Well, Final Fantasy XI was on the 360 before XIII ;)
    (While an MMORPG, it still technically is a part of the FF series.)

    And if your friends think that FFXIII had a "Very Bad" story, I'd like to see what they think is good.
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Would make it too easy. Just move two characters out of the way, provoke with one, and avoid damage from a widish range attack. Nah.
  6. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    ok then lol well what do you all say about the monsters all ready out in the open and you must run in to them to fight.
  7. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I still hated it when Hope would run right into the mass of those Viking armored units around Chapter 9 though. Fighting a group of three of those, and having everyone of them use the AoE attack, and Hope get nailed by it :(

    Even now, in Chapter 12, Lightning likes to run towards another character when ever an enemy starts to cast Aeroga. It's like "NO! Stay, let just one person get hit by it, not two. Now I have to heal you and waste time and potential damage).

    Some of the Chapter bosses are insane though. Extremely hard unless you max out your Crystarium (at least, for the three main jobs your character has). I got wasted by the Chapter 10 boss fight five times, until I said screw it and went back through to max out my Crystarium. It still took me 10 minutes, but at least I wasn't One shotted by the AoE attacks.
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Was that the Fal'cie? If so, definitely tough yeah.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    hmm I have the game but haven't opened it yet.
  10. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Ya, it was the Fal'cie. I had to waste about an hour maxing out my Crystarium in order to beat it. (Amazing what 1000-1200 more HP does).
  11. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    the games is Great but is not the best FF out there... simple as that.