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File format?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Morgawr, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. Morgawr

    Morgawr Member

    Hello everyone, I'm not new to these forums but I've been lurking for a while now (few to none posts) and I have a suggestion for you people, I don't know if you like it or not.. anyways here it is:

    Why don't you guys use .7z (7zip) file format for your hosted files instead of .rar? I know .rar is better than .zip and it's a very good compression format, however .7z is way better... It's almost unbelievable...

    Here I have some links with comparisons and stuff, if you guys are interested:

    Plus, since people may complain about compatibility (we all know that .zip or .rar are the most used), .7z algorithm is OPEN SOURCE and available for both compression and decompression on almost all (practically, all) OS including mainstream ones like Windows, Linux, Mac and UNIX. WinRar software is capable of decompressing .7z (so users will still be using the same software) just not compressing. Also this will help people realize how awesome 7-zip is, how good Open Source software can be (you give free game/demo on this website -yes, only for testing before buying- so you can't be agaisnt Open Source, can you?) and, I repeat, 7zip is an overall best choice compared to .rar or .zip.

    Let me know what you thinnk.. ^^
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Seph decided that the benefit of using 7zip was outweighed by the lack of recognition of the .7z file type with most users. We still get a dozen or so a week that don't know what .rar is, even with the introduction explanation and tutorials on this site explaining it. .7z is even less known than rar.
  3. Morgawr

    Morgawr Member

    but the actual solution is that .7z is the same as .rar, since WinRar (which is what most users here use, since the majority is Windows users) supports extraction of 7zip files... and for Linux and Mac (not 100% sure on Macs) users, their default file-manager handles them pretty well (I know that fileroller handles them perfectly on Ubuntu/Debian distros)...

    And that will also spread the 7zip format around the internet a bit more, the more users know about it, the better, isn't it?

    (plus it's OPEN SOURCE! D8 )
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    7zip opens winrar files.

    Winrar opens 7zip files.

    I haven't updated 7zip in ages and the only problems has been with the download it's self.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Read other threads about this.