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FFCC lagging (not wifi)

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by robolink, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. robolink

    robolink Well-Known Member

    I've been playing the recent FFCC on my acekard2i with a 4gb sandisk microsd card. Using the recent akiao. I tried formating the card and everything.
    When I get to areas with 5+ things on the screen (people and mobs) it starts to slow down alot, and when i kill them (13 items drop on the ground) it starts to get extremely slow, almost unplayable. Only other problems i've ever had were with a few other games item menus, (scrolling through your items has a small delay, like 250ms or so between clicking down and the curser moving down, not that big of a deal).

    The review on the acekard2i said it was seemless even on Castlevania, so im guessing its the microsd card, but its a sandisk and i hear that's a fast one. also the review on acekard2i said they used like 60 different sdcards and had no slowdowns so really...what the heck is going on here haha.

    I have tried enabling or disabling the bypass code and fix code, didnt do anything to it (i dont need bypasses, my card auto does that). also DL'd the game twice with no fix. also tried the rom trimmed and not trimmed, no fix ofcorse.

    Anybody got a clue? should i look into gettin a better microsd card? if so which would be the best to get that i could pick up at like..walmart or something (got a walmart CC).

    Thanks in advanced.
  2. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    well I did a invite and after that I went to join and it was less lagy
  3. Wave

    Wave New Member

    I dont think its because of your memory card, maybe you should get a DSTT, its much better than the other cards and its cheap, plus auto patching.