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Discussion in 'Game Help' started by freshman27, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. freshman27

    freshman27 Member

    It seems to me that final fantasy 4 is about being 2 levels under all your enemies. any tips on how to level up quickly? all help is appreciated, thanks!
  2. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    what area of the game are you in? it may help me help you if i know where you are.
  3. janlukky

    janlukky Well-Known Member

    i just have a problem with the boss in the tower ......as for level up where are you at?
  4. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    just make sure you have some tents and keep battling ...use the tents by the save point when mp is low (conserve mp only for healing...then when mp runs low use tent....rinse and repeat until you gain 3-5 levels)
  5. freshman27

    freshman27 Member

    yeah, cool. the game annoys me a little. but good.
  6. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    it's a really good game with very balanced and nice difficulty level...you should gain level whenever you feel like your in a good place to level.
  7. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Boss in a tower? That's like half the bosses in the game. Just saying.

    I did a lot of grind to get to L99. Fought nearly everything. My friend didn't and now he can't beat Rubicante nor get back to Eblan. Lulz.
  8. janlukky

    janlukky Well-Known Member

    babel i think geez i been getting my butt handed to me by some boss that looks like a mad doctor.... my Lvl is around 45+ close to 50..... its a good place to Lvl up though since i get to use a healing point
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Oh, him? He uses this weird ability that switches the effects of your attacks and spells. Anything that does damage will heal and vice-versa. So you can easily heal by just attacking each other.
  10. miss.ellebanna

    miss.ellebanna New Member

    Okay,, this has nothing to do with anything you are saying, but do all these nds games work on the r4i card? Really need to know Thankyouuu :) x
  11. janlukky

    janlukky Well-Known Member

    @ miss.ellebanna - they should work

    @ Suiseiseki - my problem is that boss' spd overtakes the party and i cannot do anything to revive KO status
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Unless your gear is fail (protip: there's ice element stuff in the tower) you should be able to take a few hits while you pile damage onto the boss through either attacking or using Cure. Also, Rosa has this nifty little spell called Life. Abuse it heavily.
  13. janlukky

    janlukky Well-Known Member

    life?....darn it i dont think i have this yet and besides i get KOd on the second boss turn unless i haste everyone but even with spd up i still lose
  14. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Life or Revive. That one that revives you. Also, what? How are you taking that much damage?
  15. janlukky

    janlukky Well-Known Member

    lol i found a tatic but it made me use the elixir item i have for 9999 dmg and life will only miss so i use curaga but still i take alot of damage in battle only 2 party members survrive it.....so help will be nice my defences are low
  16. managod101

    managod101 Well-Known Member

    Just lvl up in the tower but stay right by a save point in case you need to heal and save, the tower is the best place to lvl the tower where you get Kain back i mean.
  17. janlukky

    janlukky Well-Known Member

    well LoL that is a waste of items i usually train near a inn...currently trying to upgrade equipment
  18. DB_Odin

    DB_Odin Well-Known Member

    turbo button + lots of pheonix downs / tents
    or close ot a nearby town, so you can use the inn
  19. bscit

    bscit Well-Known Member

    usrcheat if you want to ruin the game.