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ff 3 on ds is hard

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by kanwarrulz_123, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    isnt ff3 on ds is hard who thinks its easy! :p
  2. Valkerion

    Valkerion Well-Known Member

    i think its easy, no clue why people say its hard. Some bosses took more than one try or me needing diffrent jobs but still easy.
  3. kratosaurion

    kratosaurion New Member

    I didn't think it was hard at all, as long as you level-grind.
    That makes a world of difference.
  4. 60fps

    60fps Member

    I don't think it's hard.

    I just don't like the job system. I always feel like I'm wasting time on the wrong jobs and ignoring others. It gives me a feeling of doubt and that I'm playing it wrong.

    I also don't like grinding in these kinds of games. If it was a MMORPG then fine but, not this.

    I do like the graphics and the story seemed ok. I don't know if I'll ever go back to it though. Time will tell. :-\
  5. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I don't have much experience playing the NDS version, but I can tell you from what little I did play of it, it's relatively easy compared to the old NES version.
  6. steveocho

    steveocho Active Member

    its not hard but i did get sick of it after a while
  7. Ohji

    Ohji Well-Known Member

    Quoted for truth.

    The old NES version was much harder than this. I was also saddened by the sage in FF3 DS. I was like "ALRIGHT UBAR POWERED BROKENZORED UNIT" but they toned it down. >_>
  8. VietNham

    VietNham New Member

    ff3 is nooooot hard. every boss i faced i had beat in 1 try. the hardest part was choosing my job. i think only like 1 or 2 times i had to redo a boss. everything is basically straight forward, and i always find killer weapons.
  9. poiboy

    poiboy Well-Known Member

    weeeeeeell, if you have a R4 (since you're on a ROM site, i can somewhat assume you use roms..) you can use the cheat codes feature and make your journey *easier*..

    personally, i just level up alot before, and having the right job helps alot.

  10. eden2812

    eden2812 Well-Known Member

    Putting in cheat codes into FF3 really breaks the game. Trust me, I tried it. ::)

    The only hard part about FF3 is the jobs. Choose correct ones, and you'll sail through boss battles in a breeze. Wrong ones, and its as hard as eating soup with a fork.

    Refer to some FAQs. They might be of some help ;D
  11. blitz1008

    blitz1008 Member

    FFIV is supposedly being ported to the DS with 3D graphics
  12. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    What if its a big fork with the dip in it that acts as a spoon as well as a fork ???
  13. poiboy

    poiboy Well-Known Member

    well, with the update R4 kernal..you don't have to put in any cheat codes...just select from the menu.
    and if your game broke, i'd check your system or choice of supercard.. cuz it works just groovy for me, when i want to play through the game superquick!

    and i do trust you

  14. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    i have finished he original as well as the remake
  15. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    i feel the remake is harder for me
  16. inutilus

    inutilus Member

    I found the bosses a bit challenging, I guess. Mostly because i absolutely abhore grinding.

    Mostly it was just boring, to me. For the above-mentioned levelling-hatred.

    But the graphics were so cute, I couldn't help myself when I bought it [before I got r4]. It was okay. I doubt I'll play it again without cheats, though.
  17. mc_vampz

    mc_vampz Active Member

    well i haven't play it as its only out in japan
  18. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Yep...boring...and no onion kids...