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Female or Male Teachers? And Why?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by sexywogboy, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Before I start off with the actual debate I wanted to give you a background of where I'm at at the moment. Currently I attend TAFE in Sydney~Australia doing an IT course after finishing year 12 last year. I'd like to first rant by saying the standard in teaching between High School and TAFE/College is astounding! The standard of teaching where I'm at is dreadful. There's no doubts they know their stuff, their is issue is they don't know how to teach it.

    Now back to the debate, what gender have you found to be the better teacher? It can be from any class of school from Primary and High School right up to University and Apprenticeship.

    Personally in my opinion I have found female teachers to be better. They tend to put in more effort and understand as students we're not robots. I hadn't really noticed until recently how terrible some male teachers are. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all male teachers are bad (As I've had some good ones over the years), but I have just have found some male teachers to be so lazy and unhelpful it's not even funny.

    Well there's my rant. LOL
  2. frebels

    frebels Well-Known Member

    I dont think there is a difference there are horrible male and female teachers.
  3. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Well, there's your problem.

    There aren't many male teachers nowadays. The vast majority (in Australia at least) seem to be female. That said, gender doesn't directly play a part in determining whether a teacher is good or not.

    My best teachers, by the way, were for high school maths and physics. Both were male.
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    My absolute best teachers in high school were all male (calculus, physics, media). Same with my current lecturers.

    It's a person-by-person deal, I believe.
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Female teachers. Some are absolutely hot and willing to blow you after school just to get you to do your homework.
  6. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    depends on the actual teacher, not the gender and whether who is strict
  7. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    The only class in which I had a competent female teacher was Home Economics, where you learn cooking, sewing, and crafting.

    By the way, I did not take that class by choice. The fucking school forced me through its crappy "elective wheel" program. For the record, I took Wood Shop as my first choice (which was taught by a man of course!)
  8. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    LMFAO, I had a male teacher for Family Studies last year
  9. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    For us, (at least at my age), all we learned was cooking and stupid shit like vitamins and minerals.
  10. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    In Ancient Greece, teaching is a male dominated profession. And most female teachers during that time only teaches their young children, and when they grow up, only the daughters are left for them to teach about housekeeping and any house/child-raising know-how.

    But in today's modern time, both are equal in the teaching field. But since its a debate, i should choose only 1 side, right? I would definitely choose male teachers, why?

    I teach in a male dominated school. Its co-ed but male students are mostly seen there because the school specializes in Marine Engineering and other engineering courses. Discipline is a must for these boys. I have seen a co-faculty of mine last week and she is a girl, all the boys were hitting on her and she was overwhelmed and cannot mange to teach and discipline her class' unruly behavior. If not for professional ethics, i would have scolded her and her class for disrupting me, my class and the other classes in that hall.

    In teaching, If you want to become a good teacher, there are 3 extremely important factor. 1 - you are a good teacher meaning mastery of the subject and using the different methodologies in teaching, 2 - you are a good learner, meaning you need to learn from mistakes and improve, continue your studies and be able to learn new methodologies to adapt to the needs of students. and 3 - you are a good disciplinarian, you need to balance, its not good that you are know as the terror of teachers but you know how to draw the line between intellectual discussion and unruly-chaotic classroom.

    So whether your male or female, but contains those 3, I believe you will be the greatest teacher ever. But of course, nobody is perfect, so at least try to attain those 3. Experience is much more important than the monetary compensation when it comes to teaching.
  11. Ratchet2325

    Ratchet2325 Well-Known Member

    I agree with this.

    oh and off topic but im sure Ive seen you on thepurplecube, Raysie
  12. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Might have. ;)
  13. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Females usually cant cope with unruly students as well and pupils push them because they can get away with more, and the strict ones always come across as bitches.
    Through primary, secondary, college and uni all the best teachers/tutors have always been male.
  14. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    I study in a Convent, so our ratio of teachers is around 60 females : 6 males, so my sample space is kinda small.

    On the plus side, female teachers are more likely to go the extra mile to help students, even if it means starting after-school extra classes for the one or two guys who show up. On the other hand, we sometimes get teachers who run out of the class crying/PMSing at us.

    I guess the main difference I noticed is that the females invest personally in the students, while the male teachers are more like lol-ididmyjob. When it comes to skill, they're all the same though.
  15. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    I've personally found older aged (40+) female teachers to be the best. The younger female teachers seem to have a real issue with controlling a class for the obvious reasons already mentioned in this thread.
  16. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Well i cant say either gender is better then others, but its all down to that teacher personality and the way he or she teach.

    I have 2 same gender teach teaching me math in high school, one of them is very unhelpful and blame me for being slow, while the other actually spend time explaining the little detail to me so i understand how it work.
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Most people say a male teacher works best, as their prescene is more...dominating (i guess) to a crowd of rowdy kids who dont care, a woman regardless of age/figure/how firce the look just get's the old "bitch" comment and is ignored...

    Another reason why (as I se on the news) is at least the men can somewhat hold their own in a fight...not just students but their stupid parents who dont see the logic in a teacher's ways and resort to violence.

    Personally, all the respectful teachers bar my first have been male, maybe because I make the women angry with my no holds barred jokes...the males also helped if we had to move heavy things (damn new equipment!)
  18. Eadelas

    Eadelas Well-Known Member

    Male. Mainly because the best teacher I ever had was a guy. He was one of those charismatic guys that everyone was lucky to have the time of day with. Other class sections were jealous of us because we got him and they didn't.

    On topic, male teachers tend to be more easygoing with their students, that's my experience anyway, so it's ok to slack off a little.
  19. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    in your dreams
  20. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Male teachers.

    We had one for physics-he was a bender and dressed up like the Dean of Oxford.

    All us nutters sat at the back of the class,and 2 x chinese lads walked in

    "Hows the yellow power doing today" he said,looking at us as we were laughing

    "Not bad! and hows the gay power" said one of the chinese lads,we laughed even more

    "Id rather be the second thing" he said