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Favorite Sonic Game?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by supersonicsparky, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. supersonicsparky

    supersonicsparky Well-Known Member

    Mine is Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I know 3D Sonic "sucks," but this game introduced me to the world of Sega. (It was my 1st Sonic game... and 3rd game ever.)
  2. ssupersonic16

    ssupersonic16 Member

    well mine is an easy pick sonic 3&kunckles and dont give me that"oh its two games crap"but hey wait a second...isnt this the nintendo board....and isnt sega basically the opposite of nintendo?(we need a sega board or you could just do a failure board and we can talk about midway,atari,and sega there XD)
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    sonic 2 :p
  4. tenchan4

    tenchan4 Well-Known Member

  5. Wolfdemonpaw

    Wolfdemonpaw Well-Known Member

    1 - my fravert was soinc 2 - when i first got to casion night zone thats when i truely fell in love with sonic 2 & it been my fravert since...

    2- sonic 3 & kunckles that was cool playing all the zones from both in 1 non stop game... playing hydro city & flying battry zones was sweet :p

    3 - Adventure 2 Battle - that was a cool game that i compleated & in deed had some cool 2 player modes... the chao garden was a uneek tuch on it i thot to... best part i thort for me tho was with the bio lizard & space collany ark ( final boss )
    never did ever get to play sonic adventure 1 :( altho im still trying to get it lol

    4 - was sonic cd that was for Sega Mega-CD - this was a wiked game in my eyes cose not only did u have each zone but with anuth speed u could go back & forth thoutgh time as well / past - present - bad future or good future.

  6. flashx_454

    flashx_454 Well-Known Member

    sonic and Knuckles
    it had some of the best level designs like the lava reef zone(which is the best level ) ;D
    and some of the best boss battles plus you could play as knuckles how cool was that (he could climb) :eek:
  7. ffstrife

    ffstrife Member

    Sonic & Knuckles, I only liked it because you got to fly and climb up walls with Knuckles. But there are some of the newer ones I like.
  8. LionsTeeth

    LionsTeeth Member

    getting back on topic to the nds... haha

    do any of the newer ones on the DS even equate to the sega megadrive sonic games? When i play a sonic game i wanna blur through two dimensional levels so fast that i cant remember what the theme of the background was and smash some fat guy with odd facial hair, not wade through a metric ton of storyline. Sonic was better before he made friends other than tails and they started to introduce 5 pointless new characters per game with missing parents or whatnot.


    are there any old school type sonic games on the NDS
  9. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    All of 2D sonic games. I love them but the latest sonic game (sonic:Unleashed or something) was best IMO.
  10. Wolfdemonpaw

    Wolfdemonpaw Well-Known Member

    on the ds sonic games ( talking about sonic rush 1 & 2 ) the levels are ok but they dont apeal to me as much as the old sega ones dose ( there a lot more to the sega ones but i cant explane ) altho the 3d bossed was a sweet tuch to the ds ones.