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Faune's Portfolio

Discussion in 'Portfolios' started by faune, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. faune

    faune Well-Known Member

    Eh, why not?

    So let me start by saying this: I try to do it all- web design, in terms of cosmetically and coding, as well as a bit of digital art on the side. I haven't done much lately, but I'm hoping to start doing something artistically again. That being said, most of this portfolio will be old and outdated. :p

    I'll try to add things as I find them on my two computers, external harddrive and flash drive, but it could take forever. @_@ Hopefully I'll have new things by then, instead of having to post more old things.

    Comments are appreciated? :)


    All of these layouts were DESIGNED and CODED by me. :3 They're from different periods of time so whatever I wrote as a biography of sorts was probably accurate at the time, but should be disregarded as of now.

    *Current layout:
    Comments: I was stupid here. D: I put "astraphobia" on the URL credit instead of my actual MySpace URL, "astraphobic". Stupid. D:

    *Pink layout:
    Comments: I did NOT design the pink background stuff here. ): It was supposed to be a texture I downloaded.

    *"The Dream" layout:
    Comments: "The Dream" is my favourite song by The Birthday Massacre. This image I found reminded me of the song. :)

    *Rikku layout:
    Comments: Rikku from FFX-2. This is a photomanipulation- the Rikku here is a REAL cosplayer that I put over an image of Zanarkand.

    *Lightning layout:
    Comments: Lightning from FFXIII. I never finished this layout, so it never got used.


    I don't normally do graphics like signatures, but if I do, I'll stick them here. c:

    *SOTW2 entry:
    Comments: Most recent thing I've done. Teehee.

    *Usoppu signature:
    Comments: Request~ Completed 3/19.


    I have so many WIP/unfinished images it's not even funny. :C They'll probably never be finished.

    *Manga girl:
    Comments: One of the best images I've ever done. :X

    *Dunny design:
    Comments: Just a very simple dunny design, almost TBM-style. I don't even own a dunny. ):

    *Cat anthro face WIP:
    Comments: OLD. So very old. Started this a year and a half ago for my cousin. ALL MOUSE DRAWN. That means no tablet, cos I didn't own one then. ):

    *Rabbit killer WIP:
    Comments: lol angsty. Fairly old- it was MOUSE DRAWN, meaning no tablet- before Christmas of 2008.

    *Abysmal octapede WIP:
    Comments: I don't even know about this one, but the concept makes me giggle. c: Fairly old- it was MOUSE DRAWN, meaning no tablet- before Christmas of 2008.
  2. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    some of those WIPs are very nice, I really need to get myself into a habit of drawing a few times a week and scanning into illustrator and PS, my sketching skills are seriously lacking.
  3. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    all of those look pretty good,

    my sketching skills were pretty good, but i havn't really done anything artistic since school :-\

    I may be requesting a sig from you soon .lol
  4. faune

    faune Well-Known Member

    Thanks. 8D I really haven't drawn all that much in a matter of months, I've been in extreme art depression. ): I really need to start again soon.

    Sounds like a plan. ;'D
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Hey Faune why don't you make some simple siggies so you can display in your signature, you are good so I think it would be nice for you to get some recognition
  6. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    well if you are serious here are some renders



    pick any, looking forward to your result ;D
  7. faune

    faune Well-Known Member

    Picked one and done. ;D I hope it's not too girly for your tastes, lololol.
  8. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    not at all it suite me fine ;D (sig edited)
  9. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    just changed my sig message maybe you'll get more requests :D
  10. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    faune can you make me one?

    L deathnote
  11. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    .... maybe this one instead, that image is kind of useless ;)

  12. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    that one too any of those is great ;D