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fantasy star zero -> Mother trinity boss fight

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Bjornjet, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Bjornjet

    Bjornjet Active Member

    So I finally reached mother trinity but she is so hard!
    I am using a newman and he wields a double blade +50 and is level 24.
    My hp level is 258 and she keeps hitting 200+
    Could someone please post a strategy?
  2. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Do some quests and level up, maybe you'll get some better armour as Newmans have the least defence out of any class. They are recommended for advanced players.

    If you're still having trouble, go monogrinder hunting and grind up your best piece of armour that you can equip.
  3. fortess

    fortess Member

    i defeat the boss at same lvl as yours im using no + double saber and +5 reflect robe , my suggestion is learn the attack pattern cause every boss have some repetative attack pattern . if u get hitted with small damage just use heal tech but when get big damage use dimate / trimate, focus on ur self dont care too much about you teammates (cause they get die too easyly) learn the attack patter and the fight gonna be a piece of cake
  4. three_strangers

    three_strangers Well-Known Member

    Try leveling up some more. I think you'll be comfortable when you're level 28+. That's when I beat her.