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Fanboy Impact

Discussion in 'Debates' started by allkratos, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Do fanboys have an impact on gaming community and the industry?Additionally, what is the most fanatic fanbase in the community?
  2. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Oh hell yes. Fanboys are the most heard amongst the gaming community.

    I think Nintendo fanboys are the most fanatic, if not, then Sony. Of course the most outspoken fanboys come from the moguls in the industry.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I was once a hardcore nintendo fan-even snubbing the whole notions of rom's and preaching how they kill the industry...

    I know know that I'm more or less affected eb games-if I'm not downloading thq/EA made games, it's me dumping rip off games from eb games XD

    But some nintendo fanatics are a bit much... *COUGH*ULTRA*COUGH*

    Sure, it's one of the few dedicated gaming companies left, but looking back at their history...they were just a card manufacturer with hanafuda-I find it ironic that the make other companies make their playing cards now LOL!

    As for the impact...on forums it depends, they help people understand how great the company is, or they preach nothing but crap, it depends on what they are saying and how they go about it.
  4. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Fanboys & Fanatics, huh...

    Bunch of pathetic morons.
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    You kidding? Halo fanboys are some of the most annoying little fags I've ever had the misfortune of meeting. And they're LISTENED TO.

    So yeah, basically the definition of a fanboy is someone who kisses a company's ass. The big fanboys tend to get some opportunities to put opinions forward. My guild leader in Guild Wars is currently playing the beta for Guild Wars 2 due to his contributions to the community, as is the administrator of the associated Wiki and fansite (our psycho fascist carebear bitch). Their opinions are going to affect the product I buy this time next year. Dammit.
  6. Aiiko

    Aiiko Well-Known Member

    I detest fanboys. They've virtually ruined gaming for me. Who cares what console or games you have? It's supposed to be about fun, what you get out of it etc. not about compensating for your micro-phallus. I know Xbox 360 fanboys in real life and man do they never shut up-especially since I have the audacity to be a PSWiier.

    I really dislike fanboy companies like Valve (which is a shame since I liked Portal, Half-life and I'd probably enjoy Left 4 Dead as well) and formerly Team Ninja with that psychotic guy. So silly. You run the risk of alienating your fanbase, cutting yourself off from future business and basically limiting yourself. One day it might bite them in the ass when they need that extra support.

    Well at least on my PS3 I've never been harrassed or verbally abused for winning.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I despise them, it's like talking to a brick wall. They can't seem to understand that everything is subjective and equal on that level.

    You can make a whole console debate and get that argument absolutely no where even if you do say that all three are equal. *cough*

    As for game devs listening to the community, I hope they do it in moderation, I mean for betas and alpha builds of games, yes, it's needed so they can tweak some settings. Especially if it's a large complaint. But listening to the community and becoming their bitch will get you no where and limits absolutely everything you can do for that game.
  8. tranceman01

    tranceman01 Active Member

    fanboys to the gaming industry represent a fixed income so yes its very important and influences the gaming industry by giving a definite revenue
  9. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Depends on the company. Nintendo fanboys (like me) seem to ber having less effect, they keep saying more hardcore games for the Wii but Nintendo just doesn't listen. Alternatively, Microsoft listens too much, going so far as to open public beta tests for some multiplayer games that should have been closed so the Developers could get work done on the bugs without having to listen to people complaining about the graphics for the hundredth time. I think Sony is walking a fine line right now, listening when they should, but it took the multimillion-dollar loss of the PS3 to bring them around. Video Game fanboys can be annoying, but at least we're not Movie fanboys. Think about that.
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Microsoft beta testing? There only has been around three betas, two for Halo (one's coming) and one for CoD4.
  11. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Yes I know but Halo 3 and the others could have been improved by private beta testing instead of public. The beta tests are really only the extreme of Microsoft's attitude, there are other instances that aren't as extreme but have had a negative impact on video gaming as a whole. I'm an old schooler who thinks that gaming should be about gaming but even others have to agree that Facebook support shouldn't have been added to the Xbox because it serves no actual purpose on a gaming console.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    How is this a bad thing at all? Beta testing is to find glitches, as you might know Halo 2 has a lot of glitches, Halo 3 does not. How come may I wonder? Also beta testing helps out the estimation of how they should handle their servers for the online component and so the players and find glitches/exploits and they can fix it. The game testers can't find everything. When I play a beta, I see it as a demo, no more.

    Hell, why are you complaining about betas when Sony has the same thing going on, they have three betas going on at once right now, MAG, Modnation Racers and Battlefield Bad Company 2. Along with some before, like Uncharted 2. While Battlefield is a private beta right now, it's not going to be anymore in a month or so.

    The Facebook add-on isn't really needed but some people could use it, if you don't really want to use it or like, well, then, don't use it. Also, if you hadn't noticed, there's blur between consoles and home entertainment device. A service that provides movies or music or photos or internet browsing (which the Xbox does not have as of yet) serves no purpose on a gaming console. This is absolutely nothing wrong with this, as it's something you can chose to do on a gaming console, why hate something when it's completely optional?

    You're actually complaining about 3 consoles at once without really realizing this.
  13. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Ha throwing facts in my face has no effect on illogical opinion man! Truth is I don't pay much attention to PS3 since I don't own one so I will take back my previous statement about them actually caring but I still think public beta tests are a bad idea and they almost always come back to bite the developers on the butt. My point about Facebook still stands, nothings changed about that, I don't use it nor the music player on my Xbox. One day I warn you we're going to have a "gaming" console from Microsoft that can surf the internet, do your chores, provide for the common defense, play holographic movies, and so on, but the games will all play like Bullet Witch with absolutely no originality. I also don't surf the internet with my Wii. Opinions are simply put in this statement I just made up: "Maybe one million people believe what I believe but one billion people have another opinion.:
  14. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    This thing about fanboy is childish, y'know...I don't cares if someone has better or worst console than mine. It all were suposed to be just for fun, but these are people that wanna joke on others...playstation 3 this playstation 3 that.
    Well don't need to say more, i think y'all understand it.
  15. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    You're kidding, right? Public beta is probably the best proving ground for any system or game, because you're having hundreds or even thousands of people utilizing their skills to find problems that may have otherwise been overlooked.

    But back on topic. It's just that a lot of fanboys and such get alpha and closed beta invites for forthcoming games, because the fanboys tend to either kiss a lot of ass or (rarely) make big contributions to a community. So yeah, they do have effects on the industry, and they sure as hell have impacts on the community, not least of which is the concentration of threads along the lines of "OMG <3 HALO/COD4/SONY".

    That said, they do provide me with hours of delicious entertainment if I throw them a contentious subject. It's like watching a group of retarded hyenas fighting over a scrap of meat.
  16. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I hope you do know that the creator of the console, Microsoft, don't actually make any games for the Xbox, they only publish them. Game developers will still exist and you know, still make good games.
  17. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... this will be my last post on this topic I think, because i don't like arguing with others, even online. Microsoft will still choose the games on the XBox plus they have at least marginal creative control over their first party developers, but don't listen to me just wait until you get your first achievement on a game for having 2000 Facebook friends, then maybe we'll discuss the issue again. I stand by my opinion on public betas and I always will, they're the devil (Waterboy reference, 200 gamerscore added)!
  18. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    oh Yeah?game developers strive for graphics before gameplay nowdays...i miss the good ol' day where gameplay rules...
  19. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    You'd best give us an example and a proper explanation, or your opinion is invalidated and your posts are considered null.
  20. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    sorry allkratos, but i sort of disagree. I know I said that the last would be my final post but some new... information dictated me to make one last post. I don't blame game developers for lack of originality in games, I don't even blame microsoft or the others, I just think graphics are the only consistent way they have to say that their game is better than previous games. Has everything been done yet, no but maybe for now the limits to originality have been reached for a vast majority of developers. There are still a few innovative concepts coming out though. Take Dark Void, it is different from any first person game made yet, but other games from the past have used the same idea of a jetpack, does that make it unoriginal no. This totally off-topic post brought to you by Griff-Co Industries. If you want to, go ahead and nullify my posts but my opinion is shared by many others, nullify all their posts if you wish just make sure that your blind eye is visible when you turn away.