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[Fan Translation News] - Silva Saga II English Patch Finally released!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Silva Saga II for the SNES is one of those RPGs one would easily label as a "Dragon Quest/Warrior" clone as it looks & feels just like DQ/DW but the distinction only goes as far as the graphics feel & game engine.... well OK that's a whole lot :p But this game offers more... much more in fact :)

    Silva Saga II features a unique "unit" system in which you not only control your main Hero's party but you get to compose a "mercenary" unit you can switch out during combat to do your dirty work for you. Think of them as your hired henchmen, & you do hire them at mercenary guilds, who'll take the beating for you when you're facing that uber strong boss that just won't take no for an answer. But be warned, these guys (and gals) are not cheap, not only do you need to hire them, you also have to provide their battle gear too. The cost will be worth it as they're absolutely indispensable in battle.

    And if your mercs aren't enough to do the job, then why not let your idols step in for you? Idols are statuettes that have been granted devine powers by the Gods to act as warriors in battle. You get them along the journey & each one is endowed with tremendous elemental powers... magicks if you will that you can use in combat. And what's even cooler is when you've got at least two of 'em at decent levels you can combine them to create an even stronger idol! Neat huh? :D

    Now this game was only ever available in Japan 0-land but thanks to the wonderful people over at Dynamic Designs the game is now fully Englishified for our enjoyment :)

    The English Fan Translation patch can be found here on Dynamic Design's site:


    As for the ROM....

    I'm afraid you'll have to be on your own for that as the ROM is no longer available here on RomU :(

    And what's sickening (for me that is) is I had to get a copy of the ROM off of a rival site, ugh! [​IMG]

    And finally, here's a Youtube video of what this game is like:


    I hope you guys can get to play this game too :)

    EDIT: Addendum:

    I finally beat the game an hour ago & sadly the ending was so cruel :(

    Oh & there is an apparent savestate related issue with this game if you are playing it on snes9x 1.53. When you enter a location that has people or things displaying what looks like overflowing/bleeding &/or corrupted dialogue &/or text, grab a "Jeweled Box" or high tail it to the nearest town & go straight into the Magic Guild & do an in game (SRAM) Save otherwise the overflowing text might screw things like scenario triggered events or worse like I experienced at one time, have the emulator crash & your savestate ruined.