I installed a second fan to cool down my video card due to it having high temperatures when overclocked, but I couldn't decide which way to face it, so I tried both directions (one blowing air onto it, one pulling it away) and they both dropped the GPU temp by about 8C-10C. Is there any specific way I should have put it, even though both offer the same result?
I'm not really sure what type of fan you're installing, or how you're doing it, but the following may be helpful... http://www.ehow.com/how_6896475_install-graphics-card-fan.html
I just took a CPU fan I had lying around, and positioned it near the graphics card. I'm not replacing the fan on the card.
you can't install an AC into a computer >.> and back to the topic, i've looked around, and if i'm right, you want the CPU fan to be facing away from it..
I had this theory but never really tried this but shouldn't a cpu case both have a fans where air is put inside the case and another fan as an exhaust fan that take air out of the case.... it would be like a breeze passing inside the case...would that be a good plan?