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Fallout 3 ~minor questions

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Aiiko, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. Aiiko

    Aiiko Well-Known Member

    1. It is possible to permanently run out of ammo or bottle caps? Just want to know if I should invest more points into melee/unarmed and be really stingy with my caps.

    2. Also, can named characters respawn? I was wandering around the wasteland when some raiders attacked a caravan and I decided to help out. The brahmin was killed but I'm not sure what happened to the merchant and guard.

    3. What's the best way to take out super mutants? Luckily I found a flamethrower and some grenades and managed to dispose of two of them. Afterwards I only had one bar of health thanks to the missile launcher -_- I find it really hard to dodge in this game.

    For some reason no FAQ I've read seems to acknowledge these :/ I suppose they do sound a little silly though. It seems like all the FAQs I've seen just tell you what to do in quests but don't have any general advice for a new player. I highly dislike the fact that most areas won't respawn-respawning dungeons are a must IMO. It makes me panicky about my resources...
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes its easily possible to run out of ammo for all weapons

    take out super mutants from a distance, dont let them get close.
  3. indianCHAN

    indianCHAN Well-Known Member

    Only certain named Characters respawn. Like Amata. But the majority will not.
  4. tim1182

    tim1182 Well-Known Member

    Heres some general Tips for Fallout first of all attributes make sure you charisma is at 1 because it does nothing except raise your barter and speech by a little and you can easily raise them yourself when you level up and put those extra attribute points into strength and agility
    next also choose perks that will enhance your VATS because that is the easiest way to kill any monster always stock up on ammo in towns and always load up on loot when your out so you have something to sell when you go back to town you should also specialize in one form of combat early eg. small arms raise that high early on then try to balance everything out later and remember raiders are your best friend they are easy to kill and they usually have weapons and armor and above all stay away from Deathclaws also just grind your levels out early before going to DC well hope that helped best way to take out a supermutant is to run up close with a shotgun go into vats aim for the head and NOT ONE character WILL respawn