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Fairy Tail Episode 1 finally out today

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by Lone_Wanderer101, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Lone_Wanderer101

    Lone_Wanderer101 Active Member

  2. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    What is up with people calling one piece its cousin when it has nothing to do with each other...!!!?

  3. Lone_Wanderer101

    Lone_Wanderer101 Active Member

    no i did not know that Fairy Tail was written and drawn by Mashima Hiro and that One Piece was written and drawn by Eiichiro Oda

    but Fairy Tail, Monster Hunter Orage, One Piece are all related One Piece and Oda's works coming from 1996 and earlier Mashima was a fan of Oda and followed suit starting 3 years later in 1999 Mashima Hiro's art style is a tribute to Eiichiro Oda who he was a huge fan of

    so ya the series are TOTALLY unrelated

    also i'd like to add Mashima's work was originally tossed out cause it was too close to Oda's style by Shonen Jump
  4. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    If what you say is truth...

    Than are you going to say one piece is a cousin of dragon ball too..?

    Due to the fact that Oda is a BIG fan of Dragon Ball AND inspired by it to become a mangakai and started drawing manga...

    And like you said even thought its a tribute to Eiichiro Oda.... (which i never heard of) Its still a separated work...

    So how can you call it his cousin...?

    The only "Cousin" of one piece is Wanted!

    And your "1999 Mashima Hiro's art style is a tribute to Eiichiro Oda"

    Was already started when he draw Groove Adventure Rave in 1998...
  5. Lone_Wanderer101

    Lone_Wanderer101 Active Member

    sorry but Wanted isn't even the name of the manga its only the title that labled his One Shot collection PRIOR to one piece all leading up to Romance Dawn the original one shot that opened up one piece to shonen jump

    good try tho

    * Wanted! (1992)
    * God's Gift for the Future (1993)
    * Itsuki yakou (1993)
    * Monsters (1994)
    * Romance Dawn (Version 2, 1996)
  6. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Have you EVER read wanted...??

    And have you read some of the interview of Oda regarding one piece and Wanted ?

    If you haven...

    That you would be best to find it out...

    And your agument still fail because Fairytail is still not a cousin of one piece dispute of what you say...

    And its

    Wanted! (1998, Collection of the short stories below)
    Wanted! (1992)
    God's Gift for the Future (1993)
    Itsuki yakou (1993)
    Monsters (1994)
    Romance Dawn (Version 2, 1996)

    So its consider a manga since Wanted! is a collection of short stories...
  7. Lone_Wanderer101

    Lone_Wanderer101 Active Member

    im the one with proof... so far you haven't shown anybody who is reading this post anything at all

    and ya i've read all of Oda's works and Mashima's works

    id like to add that this is why WANNABE's and fake know-it-alls ruin things

    it went from a nice heads up thread.. alla post 1 to trying to reason with someone who plainly does not know anything

    to those that wanna see the raw copy of Fairy Tail... its there for you
  8. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Errmmm... Proof..?

    All i see is text...

    Which everything can be found in the wiki

    and like i said...

    Was already started in 1998 when he drew Groove Adventure Rave

    And further more... in 1999

    Groove Adventure Rave (published as Rave Master in America) (1998-2005)
    Plue's Dog Diaries (2002-2007)
    Mashima-en Vol.1 & 2 (2003)
    Monster Soul (2006-2007)
    Fairy Tail (2006-ongoing)

    He drew nothing...

    And Oda work started Officially on 97

    And one piece was drew in 1997 so 3 year later he was still drawing with his rave..

    Are you going to start saying he change his drawing style halfway...??

    And like you say even thought Wanted was just a collection of short story...

    Those "short story" was still draw in the form of manga...??

    So im not really sure what you are trying to say...
  9. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    phatom always gets in these battles....
    phatom lose......
  10. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    You are such a spoil...

    Its fun to get into these battle even IF you lose...

    You just gain more fact along the way...
  11. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

  12. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Darker Than Black aired before Fairy Tail
    so yeah
  13. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Junichi Kouchi air before Darker Than Black
    Post Merge: [time]1255388502[/time]
    Junichi Kouchi's air before Darker than black
  14. Lone_Wanderer101

    Lone_Wanderer101 Active Member

    and rave master started in 1998... dear god
  15. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    rave mnga or anime..?
    Post Merge: [time]1255409822[/time]
    OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!
    i just saw the opening!!!!~~!~!~!~
    is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Fairy Tail
  16. riksa90

    riksa90 Well-Known Member

    The first episode was decent. Kinda dissapointed with voice actiong. NAtsu should be more chilldiss, Happy bit more a mature, and Lucy just vreeps me out.

    Animation was nothing special. Stantard class. However the folkrock-ish soundtrack fit the world of Fairy Tail. Opening was nice, and ending was cheery too. I didn't really like how they merchandise Happy, but I guess it was unavoidable. I wonder how many stuffed Happy toys have been sold in Japan yesterday and today...

    And only thing common with OP and FT, is small similarities is drawing style, and shonen genre.
  17. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    I told you on msn you would love it right....
  18. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    mostly because of plue...
    i need to read its manga...
  19. blaza89

    blaza89 Well-Known Member

    i like it but will there be any english subs, plus why is the dog from rave master there?
  20. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    who cares?
    as long as plue is theree, im satisfied~