I have never been so god damned upset in my entire life about anything like this.. My mom just found out she has colon cancer not too long ago and she needed a loving friendly cat to bond with and make her feel better.. granted we have 2 cats already but they kind of stick to me and my father more than anything.. So we find this 8 year old beautiful cat with blue eyes at the cat hospital where we usually get ours checked out.. The tech that eventually helped us adopt the cat told us that it was given up by the owners because there were other cats in the house and it wasn't getting enough attention so they took it there to have it put to sleep.. now.. my long time friend's mother owns and operates the cat hospital for the most part.. she has polio however and isn't able to really be there that much anymore.. However she did not want to put the cat to sleep so she put it up for adoption.. we take the cat home... it immidiately bonds with me and especially my mother.. The most affectionate loving playful cat I had ever come in contact with.. it was perfect and most important of all.. it was inseperable from my mom.. she fell in love immidately .. heres where shit starts to hit the fan.. we start to notice some foul oders comming from my moms room and immidiately assume one of the cats was spraying due to the fact that they probably wern't happy with one or the other being there.. they all seemed to get along fine but whatever... next.. we notice his shit is really stinking bad.. so we have some of the crap tested and they tell us that it has some kind of poop disease that can be usually taken care of in a week by giving medicine once a day..which we obviously did not have to pay for because they should have tested the damn animal for it in the first place.. Here is where it gets absolutely rediculous.. We notice some blood on the carpet and we know it is not our other 2 cats because they were healthy as anything.. My mom makes an appointment with my friends mother who owns the cat hospital because she is starting to get really worried.. she takes the cat in .. I wake up rght before work to the sound of her crying in her bedroom.. I ask what is wrong and what she says literally sent me into a blind rage.. She had to give the cat back.. he was too sick to take care of..Apparantly the peice of shit woman who let the cat go to us didn't even bother to mention that Spicey the cat Had pre existing calitis (not sure if thats how you spell it but its a colon disease that can be slightly contagious to other cats at times) , heart murmur, and also that one of the main reasons that the previous owners gave it up was because they only had him at the time .. got new cats and he got upset and sprayed everywhere.. Here's the f***ing retardedness in all of this.. ALLLL of these conditions were on the damn cats chart.. yet bitch hooker cat hospital tech "susy" didn't find it important to inform us of any of it.. and made up a complete bull shit lie about how he gets along so well with other animals and the previous owners just fealt sorry taht he wasn't getting enough attention anymore... so... Miss F*** pants pretty much ruined my moms entire carpet... broke my sick mother's heart .. and mine.. especially her's.. and also .. when a cat sprays (and we still can't locate where he has done it) it causes other cats mostly new ones introduced into a home to pee in the same spots.. so that f***s our chance of ever getting another cat to fill the empty void in her heart any time soon.. God as soon as my friend's mom took a look at his chart she near shit her pants.. from what my mom told me she wen't super ballistic on the idiot who caused all this.. which is well deserved... i hope she gets fired and karma gives her one straight up her inconsiderate a hole.. and jesus thank god i don't have a vehicle at the moment.. because as soon as my mom told me all this i went into an almost drunken stupid rage.. i have anger problems as it is but i just had to hit something.. i broke my outdoor fridge i punched a hole through my wall and repeatedly thrusted my fist into a nearby tree leaving my knuckles bloodied and bruised..i couldn't even fricken feel it i was that upset.. God.. I don't even know why i typed all this.. I guess i just needed to vent somewhere and no one is really around at the moment... Whatever though.. Life goes on.. It's just gonna be hard going to the cat hospital tommorow to give him my stuffed turtle that he played with so much.. Gotta give my goodbyes as well ..
Sounds like you got a real nice cat, who was sadly ill. The cat was probably looking for a family that could take care of it. 'Tis all real sad, hope your mom is no longer excluded from your cat family. I wish you all well.
Took the words from my hands ...I had to skim thru that, if anyone's read my forum post bunching things up makes it difficult for me to read. Even bunching these 2 sentances makes it difficult for me to read...call it dumb or my background in special schools Anyway, I guess they assumed that you could take care of the cat in it's sickened state, or the fact that because your mother is sick..she'd bond better with a sick cat... I've had instances simerlar to this...and managed to make a bad thing good again...never a living pet though...just horid luck I guess. And this is the rants thread...so let it all out Speaking of which... [me=hYpNoS]plays "shout 2000" by disturbed[/me]
My sympathies. I despise people who do that. Not only has it caused your family emotional pain, but it could have harmed the other cats and the poor little cat itself was most likely in pain. Kind of reminds me of when my family got a dog from an animal rescue. Poor thing obviously had neurological problems-most likely brought on abuse-couldn't stop barking when out for a walk, was afraid of men, other dogs and had horrible fits prior to her death. Well, at least she had a few good years left. I really hope your mother gets better
thanks to everyone who gave their condolences On a good /sad note my mom and I went to the cat hospital today to drop off a toy of mine that he loved and to say goodbye. He was so damn excited to see us it was so sad to leave .. but we talked to my friends mother (owner of the business) and she said they started him on a new diet that would more than likely kick the colitis to the curb (expensive food though) on a scale of 1-6 (usual range for heart murmurs apparently?) his is a 4, but she said that in cats most of the time murmurs can mean absolutely nothing..however he is an 8 year old cat and there is the chance it would shorten his life span.. either way she said they weren't putting it to sleep and after the new year started we were told to give them a call and see how he is doing and if he is well enough to take home (that is if my parents agree to consistantly pay for his meds/food etc.. either way.. hope xD
I'm sorry thats how I type shit online, its ocd, thats what I do thats how I have always done it.. I am sorry if it is considered incosiderate to others... if you don't wanna take the time to read it .. don't read it?.. so tired of people getting on me for that.. simple simple simple If you don't like how it is presented.. don't try to be interested..
i though you said thats how you type shit online.... so why this shit isnt the same shit as you type in your 1st post? i dont have to like your shit to be intrested in your shit.
His mom is sick, and wanted a cat to bond with, their other two cats are bonded more with him and his father. They went to a cat hospital, who is run by his friends mother, and got a cat from the lady. The cat was sick and causes new cats to urinate everywhere, it broke is mothers heart. They took the cat back, after it bonded with the family, and the women who gave them the cat, lied about why it was given to the cat place. The friends mother shouted at the women, they hope she is fired. They started the cat on a new diet, so hopefully after the new year, he will be well enough to go back to their home. OP punched many things and bloodied his knuckles, it didn't hurt due to blind rage. Summery over. My thoughts are with you Catt. I also had an extremely bad start to christmas with a very close family member dying, and also a similar fit of 'BAD STUFF' happening to make it worse.