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EZflash 3in1

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by cheesypopcorn, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    I received an EZflash 3in1 slot-2 device for my DS as a gift a while back. The only problem is, I don't have an EZflash slot-1, but an M3 Real.

    Is it still possible to use the 3in1 to play GBA games on, or am I stuck with just a useless piece of plastic?

    A bit of google research and I found the gbaldr program, but no matter what I seem to do all I get is a small black screen that says "3in1 not found, insert 3in1 and press a key".
  2. Inkaflare

    Inkaflare New Member

    I have an ezflash 3in1 too and i'm using it with my supercard DS one by using something called GBAExploader. I don't know if this will work with an M3 Real. You should try out.
  3. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    Trying it now.

    It still tells me that there is no slot-2 device.
  4. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Have you set it up correctly-put the gbaloader file in the root,and create gba folder and saves in that.When I switch mines on, I click on the slot 1 icon,the 3rd thing down is games(for nds) and the one below that is GBALOADER(for slot 2).I click on the gbaloader file,and that gives me the menu for choosing a game.
  5. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    Making sure I've got all my bases covered here...

    Okay, setting up my root folder like this: NDS folder, SYSTEM folder, gbaldr folder, and inside the gbaldr I put in the GBA folder? Inside of the GBA folder has my ROM and .sav.

    Start up M3: Goes to GM Manager with NDS, GBA, MyCard, Boot, etc. options. NDS takes me to my NDS games; GBA currently has nothing; MyCard lets me view all folders including the gbaldr.

    Choosing GBAldr folder has the gbaldr.nds program and the gbaldr_debug.nds

    gbaldr.nds gives me the choice of picking slot-1 and slot-2. Slot-1 makes it go to the black "3in1 not found". And picking slot-2 brings up an error that says No slot-2 gba card found.

    The gbaldr_debug works I guess, but I'm not sure what to do with it at all.

    And choosing Boot lets me pick slot-2 (NDS) or slot-2 (GBA). Booting slot-2 (NDS) gives me a blank white screen whereas slot-2 (GBA) brings up the Gameboy logo (as if booting a regular game), but then stops.

    Anything else? What am I doing wrong, or is there something I'm just not doing completely?

    Nothing I'm finding elsewhere is helping; all the "tutorials" I found are way too technical. I don't care HOW this thing does what it does, I just want to make it work.
  6. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    All I can say mate is the method I used with my r4 and ez flash.I stuck Rudolph gbaloader(only) on the r4 and created a gba folder,and a sav folder inside that.When I booted up the ds I clicked on the 3rd(slot2) icon,which said "couldnt find blah blah".So when I clicked on the 1st(slot 1) icon,there were 4 lines of text,the 3rd line for NDS games and the 4th line was the GBALOADER.So I clicked on the gbaloader and a list of the 16 games I put in the gba folder was displayed.
  7. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    Thanks for the suggestions anyways.

    Loaded up gbaexploader, tried running it. Still saying there is no slot-2.

    Starting to think it might just be something wrong with my DS's slot-2 in general.
  8. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    You never know,I just got mines today and I thought it wasnt going to fit.There is a guide on here rating slot 1 carts and I think it tells you what they do/what software is needed.Someone mentioned YSmenu for running homebrew games,maybe you need that for your cart.

    A few of the big guns on here will know,so hang tight......
  9. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    I'm still leaning toward it being a hardware issue. A while back I had my M3 rumble pak put in, and the rumble went off randomly and stayed on. I pulled it out, and as soon as i put it back in, the rumble went off again and wouldn't shut off.

    My DSLite IS used, and there's some damage to the touch screen, so I'm not entirely unconvinced that the slot-2 is in perfect shape.

    But I might just making some kind of huge mistake, so I'm holding out hope.
  10. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    No sweat,mines is 5 hours old.Dont go updating any kernels etc until someone that knows steps in,or can be bothered,or the thread is locked LOL
  11. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    I've had this 3in1 for a LONG time now. I tried getting it to work when I first got it (with the gbaldr etc), and gave up until now.

    Waiting a little longer won't hurt. Besides, it's not like I paid for the thing.
  12. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    True mate,but its a sad state of affairs when theres 2000+ users online and its left up to me to try to help.Ive only got the ez flash today,and I didnt know they existed until 2 weeks ago.I get the impression that if someone asks a question and either theres a guide or its something simple,help isnt forthcoming....

    But we all have to start somewhere LOL
  13. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    Yeah but of those 2000+ users, 1999 of them are posting in the MALBowser's Inside Story thread going OMG HOW DO U GET DIS 2 WERK HALP PLZ

    From my experience here it seems like there are only a handful of genuinely intelligent, helpful people.
  14. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    True,Ive noticed Apocyliptica,Mds64 and Tirith go out of their way to help,which is appreciated.
  15. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    Just in case I redownloaded all of the firmware for my card, redownloaded gbaldr, AND the GBA ROM (Mother3, patched into English, if it matters), but still the same problems.

    Same with GBAexpLoader.
  16. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Heres someone with exactly the same problem.Cant look at gba link as the site is down.Maybe this will help

  17. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    Checked through that thread. Pretty sure I've already tried most of the things mentioned there, but... I guess I'll go through it again more thoroughly in the morning and see if I missed something.

    Just stuck an old GBA game into my DS to see if it is indeed my hardware. Game works fine, so I must be doing something wrong on the technical side.
  18. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    You could always order another one,got mines for £12 dealexteme,but it took 2 weeks by "air mail" from Hong Kong.
  19. cheesypopcorn

    cheesypopcorn Active Member

    Not an option. Like I said, I got this one as a gift, and I'm currently jobless. The reason I got these devices in the first place is so that I don't have to pay for games to play them.

    Since I'm not willing to make an account at the cess pool that is gbatemp just to read one forum thread I've probably already read, I'm calling this thing shot and giving up. I'll just use the thing to keep my slot-2 occupied until I get the motivation to try and fix it again. Thanks anyways.
  20. sirmione

    sirmione Member

    I have an EZflash 3in1 and a DSTT running fine. When I was looking for a tutorial for my card, I found a website for M3 Real. I am from Spain and this site is in Spanish, but maybe you speak spanish or can translate it with any program. If don't, I could translate it for you, but it is not possible until next weekend. I hope it helps you. ;D
    Post Merge: [time]1252794617[/time]
    Sorry, I almost forget it. The website is: http://josemaridecai.wordpress.com/2008/10/15/m3-real-ezflash-v-3en1-mini-tutorial/
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