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Ez flash 3-in-1 saving issues?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by alykhan786, May 5, 2010.

  1. alykhan786

    alykhan786 New Member

    I just got a ex flash 3-in-1 a few days ago and now I am noticing a problem with it saving.
    The only way it will be able to load a save for a game is if he game is saved to the NOR. Is there any way to fix this? Do I need to SRAM patch my games, if so, what do I use to do it?
    help please!

    ahah thanks :)
  2. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    NDSTokyoTrim allows SRAM patching. When trimming, select SRAM patch.
  3. Moleman

    Moleman Well-Known Member

    Mine dosen't save either and i have been having to use nor but even that has stoped saving and now won't even load the game. When it says "copying to nor" It just stays on 0%. All i want to do is play mother 3 and its the only way to play because its 32mb.
    EZ Flash 3 in 1 is total waste of time and money. I have 2 and they are both utter crap.