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EZ Flash 3-1

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by matthew.villa, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. matthew.villa

    matthew.villa Well-Known Member

    i just received an EZ Flash 3-1 and i have got GBA EXPloder 0.58b with wood r4 and when i click onto any game i dont get the nintendo logo to show up what sould i do

  2. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Well, you don't need GBAExploader. Wood R4 can load GBA games to the 3in1 by itself. You only need GBAExploader if your firmware can't write GBA roms to the 3in1.
    When you say you click on a game, do you mean with Wood R4's menu, or do you mean with GBAEpxloader?
  3. matthew.villa

    matthew.villa Well-Known Member

    well both really
  4. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Ok, lets just forget GBAExploader. From now on, I'll only be talking about Wood R4.
    So, when you click on a GBA rom, what exactly happens? And is it all GBA roms, or have you only tried one?
  5. matthew.villa

    matthew.villa Well-Known Member

    its says loading gba then goes starts to load like a GBA game but it doesnt show the nintendo logo at the bottom so it can load the game. i have tried a few roms now
  6. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    It's possible it's not making proper contact. Maybe only some of the pins are making contact, so that you can write a rom to it, but when it boots into GBA mode, it thinks there's no cartridge in it (if you turn on a GBA without a game in, it does this). So try taking it out and blowing into the slot, or just take it out and put it in again. If that doesn't work, then I have no idea, maybe you got a bad 3in1.
  7. matthew.villa

    matthew.villa Well-Known Member

    now tht i have blown into the gba pack sometimes i am gettin the nintendo logo but afterwards it frezzes
  8. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Right, so it made a difference. It definitely seems to be an issue with the contacts then. Do you have any real GBA games to test in your DS?
  9. matthew.villa

    matthew.villa Well-Known Member

    yes i have shapphire and it works perfectly, i just want the EZ Flash to work now
  10. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Ok, well it must be a problem with the 3in1's contacts. All I can suggest is keep taking it out and putting it back in again. If it still won't work, you might have to send it back and get a replacement. But it could be this is a simple problem that's easily fixable, and I've just never heard of it before. Maybe someone else can help, because I'm all out of ideas.
  11. matthew.villa

    matthew.villa Well-Known Member

    well i have contacted the people i bought it from and im waiting for a response, i think i might just send it back and ask for another, thank u for ur help much appreciated
  12. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    It does this to me with hacks. If your game is a hack, then it won't work. I could never get Pokemon ShinyGold to work.