:'(anyone know how to shorten a game name ? Im having a message on my DS following transferring a game on to the R4 chip stating name too long. any suggestions
Should be able to just rename the rom to whatever as long as the "tag" ends in .nds for example say you had a game called superstreetfighterIIhyperchampionshipedition.nds you just rename it to streetfighterIIspecial.nds and I think you can add spaces or underscores (I know you can on M3Real) but all in all you can actually name it to whatever you want as long as YOU know what the game is, but it has to end in .nds for DS games.
You can remove the game numbers, region code (ie, U, J, E, etc), and the Dumper name from the name, and that usually removes quite a bit of junk from the game name.