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Even More? Yep, more info about my game...

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by T-Dub, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    ...Yeaaaaaah, I know a separate post from my original post was a bit...uhhh...unnecessary, but I was like wha thet fux, beside...I sorta like doing it this way! ::)

    Here's an update version of Pokemon Pearl Plus: http://www.mediafire.com/?jzdazuzkitn

    And now, today's walkthrough update

    Yo, I'm back, with more walkthrough about my two games. Alright, I guess I start with the Galactic Battle Commanders/Boss battle encountering. I should first state that the Pokemon the Galactic Commanders use are the same on both Diamond Plus/Pearl Plus.

    Galactic Battle Walkthrough

    Battle 1: Vs Commander Mars Battle 1: Vs Commander Jupiter
    Lv14 Tangela Lv21 Snorunt
    Lv15 Luxio LV22 Mawile
    Lv17 Purugly Lv21 Poliwhirl
    Lv23 Skuntank

    Battle 2: Vs Commander Mars Battle 2: Vs Commander Jupiter
    Lv48 Tangrowth Lv54 Poliwrath
    Lv47 Luxray Lv56 Froslass
    Lv46 Drapion Lv55 Skuntank
    Lv49 Purugly (This is when she teams up with Mars on Mt. Cornet)

    Battle 3: Vs Commander Mars
    Lv55 Luxray
    Lv56 Tangrowth
    Lv54 Drapion
    (She puts up Purugly?! Battle with Jupiter)

    Battle 1: Vs Commander Saturn
    Lv44 Kadabra
    Lv46 Lickitung
    Lv46 Toxicroak
    Lv47 Kangaskhan

    Battle 2: Vs Commander Saturn
    Lv51 Alakazam
    Lv50 Kangaskhan
    Lv49 Toxicroak
    Lv52 Lickilicky
    Lv50 Granbull

    Battle 1: Vs Galactic Boss Cyrus (Diamond/Pearl Plus)
    Lv50 Sneasel
    Lv52 Ursaring
    Lv53 Honchkrow
    Lv52 Houndoom

    Battle 2: Vs Galactic Boss Cyrus (Pearl Plus)
    Lv57 Honchkrow
    Lv56 Ursaring
    Lv56 Magnezone
    Lv56 Houndoom
    Lv57 Weavile

    Battle 2: Vs Galactic Boss Cyrus (Diamond Plus)
    Lv57 Honchkrow
    Lv56 Ursaring
    Lv55 Probopass
    Lv56 Houndoom
    Lv57 Weavile

    Wow, this walkthrough thing is sorta fun, I should of been wrote one along time ago...Moving on!

    ...Next, I'll cover the Pokemon the Elite Four uses, and posts Rival Battle and what item a wild Pokemon holds tomorrow...

    Before I start I should info youse guy that just like the gym leaders the Pokemon the Elite Four uses various on what game you picked, or whatever. Not ever member have a new pokemon just...two.

    Elite Four Walkthrough

    Diamond/Pearl Plus: Aaron
    Lv61 Ninjask
    Lv62 Flygon
    Lv61 Vespiquen
    Lv62 Venomoth
    Lv63 Armaldo

    Diamond Plus: Bertha Pearl Plus: Bertha
    Lv62 Camerupt Lv62 Camerupt
    Lv64 Swampert Lv64 Swampert
    Lv63 Sandslash Lv63 Claydol
    Lv65 Rhyperior Lv65 Rhyperior
    Lv64 Hippowdon Lv64 Hippowdon

    Diamond Plus: Flint Pearl Plus: Flint
    Lv64 Ninetales Lv64 Ninetales
    Lv65 Flareon Lv65 Flareon
    Lv65 Arcanine Lv65 Arcanine
    Lv67 Magmortar Lv66 Magmortar
    Lv66 Infernape Lv65 Blaziken
    He's weaker on Pearl Plus? Oh, well...

    Diamond Plus: Lucian Pearl Plus: Lucian
    Lv65 Grumpig Lv65 Grumpig
    Lv67 Espeon Lv67 Espeon
    Lv67 Metagross Lv66 Metagross
    Lv66 Starmie Lv67 Slowking
    Lv68 Gallade Lv68 Gallade

    Diamond/Pearl Plus: Sinnoh Region Champion: Cynthia
    Lv68 Spiritomb
    Lv70 Togekiss
    Lv70 Umbreon
    Lv69 Porygon-Z
    Lv70 Gardevoir
    Lv71 Garchomp

    Can't find the Plates needed to make your Pokemon Evolve? Well, here's a list of EVERY PLATE location NEEDED to achieve evolution.

    The Earth Plate can be found inside Oreburgh Gate.
    Go north up the path, then follow around and take the stairs to the basement. Surf to the far left of the cave and use Strength to get to the Poké Ball.

    Requires Rock Smash, Surf and Strength to reach

    The Fist Plate can be found on Route 215
    Check your map for the exact location, it's inside a Poké Ball near the left side of the route.

    Requires Cut to reach

    The Mind Plate can be found inside Solaceon Ruin
    Just go to the Seventh (Last) Floor, and you'll find it sealed inside a Pokeball, along side some other PokeBalls.

    No HM(s) needed to reach this Plate

    The Spooky Plate can be found within the Amity Square (D/P area)
    It's located inside or next to one of the stone houses on the eastern side of the park...Good luck finding it!

    No HM(s) needed to reach this Plate, just a cute Pokemon, like Buneary or Pikachu...

    All credit goes to Bulbapedia, that's where I got this information from...Hope you're ALL happy now!

    Don't worry, I don't plan to make a habit outta this...

    That's it for now, until next time...LATER!
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Try keeping it to one topic please, and put all that extra information in a quote or spoiler tag. A new topic for every update will clutter the board. Cheers.
  3. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Create a surplus of 3++ replies to your own thread as a 'reserve' for your upcoming updates. It would be convenient for your fans to check all the updates in one thread rather than split. In addition, your thread will be better advertised and bookmarked. Keep the updates coming! ;)
  4. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    oh, cool! I didn't know that...so, basically what I have to do is post my updates on my old post and folks will know when I've updated...or is that wrong? Well, in any case, since I know not to write more on this thread, could you get rid of it...or close it or something? I can copy and paste this update and put it on my old post and merge it.
  5. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    You are correct. Every update you make just bump your thread if it's far off the page.

    If you don't know the meaning of bump:

    Bumping - A meaningless reply to keep the thread alive. Usually, a simple 'bump' word is written.