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Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Dart3055, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    General EO3 + AP Thread.

    WoodR4 1.13: Some freezes after a time during battles, Freeze when using Limit skills.
    Game seems pretty playable that aside.

    Acekard 2i 1.17: White screens on load. Unplayable
    CycloDS 1.59: Playable but crashes during Sailing or returning from sailing.
    Desmume: Crashes on entering the shop
    DSTT: Error 4 or White screens.
    Supercard: Mixed reports of success
    M3i Zero: Freeze on some skills, Freezes during sailing.

    No$Gba: Will run with No$Zoomer using specific settings.
    More Details in Jhon 591's Tutorial: http://www.mediafire.com/?4x1w4djm77rp0a6
    Link to No$GBA Complete with Bios: http://www.mediafire.com/?ly6av97feot1xyw

    Post your Flashcard, Firmware version and results.

    Edit: There are reports of an overtrimmed rom, Try using a clean dump if you can find it.
  2. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Acekard 2i firmware version: AKAIO 1.7.1 = White Screens for me upon loading.
  3. FormalMoogle

    FormalMoogle Well-Known Member

    Dsmune: Game freezes whenever you leave shop. The letters sometimes are messed up(when i signed up for a character the letter "I" disappeared for a bit.

    No$GBA: White screens.

    That's it so far. I'll keep playing to explore around. It sucks not being able to use the shop, lol. If only the AR codes for the English version came out and they have the "recover all HP/TP at the end of battle" code which could suffice for the lack of the shop.
  4. Mistikman

    Mistikman New Member

    CycloDS with 1.59 firmware: Game appears to play fine, but locks up during certain sailing events and when returning from sailing.
  5. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    i can agree with this, tested on my Acekard 2i with AKAIO V. 1.7.1
  6. dragonfiesta

    dragonfiesta Member

    Confirmed here aswell using 1.7.1 acekard 2i.

    Just white screen upon loading the game.
  7. FormalMoogle

    FormalMoogle Well-Known Member

    This sucks. I might as well wait for a newer patched version.
  8. lilkitty101

    lilkitty101 New Member

    Doesn't even load, on a DSTT. 'Load rom errcode =-4'

    I suppose it means DSTT people have to wait for a patch, or something....
  9. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    R4i SDHC ver 1.25 - freezes using certain skills. Shop works fine (haven't tried sailing)

    R4i SDHC ver 1.26b - testing now
  10. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    Must be very few of you who actually have the rom.

    I went out and bought my copy today.
  11. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    I live in Australia... it's not out here... doubt that it will ever be...

    Also: ver 1.26b fails too
  12. newbie1234

    newbie1234 Active Member

    M3i Zero: similar to R4 wood. freezes when selecting some skills during battle, freezes when embarking on sailing. otherwise playable
  13. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    I feel for you, Australia gets boned for video games. Hopefully the rom will spread to the release teams soon. I'd do it myself if I knew who to contact. I shudder to think Of some of you missing out on what might be the pinnacle of the series due to lack of availability or funds to spend on it.

    It's very fun so far, I have a good variety for my main party. And then a party of prince/princesses for messing around with. As 'Royal veil' restores a set amount of HP to the whole party per turn whenever the prince is at max HP. A party of 5 all sporting this skill literally heals for more than their total HP in the first few levels. It's hilarious, Watching a Lynx try one shot them before they return to full. And that's every turn.

    The disadvantage here being they lack much in the way of offensive skills, Subclassing might make this viable, but I imagine you'd still have to throw something else into the mix to make it worthwhile.
  14. m0ony

    m0ony Member

    still nothing?
    I kinda want to play the game but it freezes when my Zodiac uses any skill
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Un-True you can play it on no$gba2.6a though NO$Zommer - by enabling GBA BIOS (nintendo logo) in no$gba settings and save it , and open NO$Zoomer.ini edit UseCrypt=0 to UseCrypt=1 save it twice, if the cash happens save NO$Zoomer.ini again and it will work

    You do need firmware.bin in main folder of no$gba2.6a and then run the game again with no$zommer with settings ^

    NO$GBA 2.6a - Full Package , With all bios'es and firmware.bin


    How to fix "Most Game's" With Black are White screen issue's on loading, With NO$GBA 2.6a though NO$Zommer! - (Note) For clean roms mostly, My .Avi Video 10mb download and watch


    Included this game!

    PS: You can add to first post if you like Dart3055 !
  16. travishart

    travishart Well-Known Member

    r4irts&sdhc fw 2.7e sailing freeze
  17. dupasuka

    dupasuka Well-Known Member

    My DSTT loads the game without error 4 , but then has White screens of doom
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    The code was in infolib.dat file !, Qwestion is is they a patch also in extinfo.dat file ?? ...

    Encrypted GameID: BJ3E 57EDA662


    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AC AA 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 AB 00 00 28 AC 00 00
    70 AB 00 00 E0 AC 00 00 FF FF FF FF 70 AD 00 00
    A8 AE 00 00 9C AF 00 00 68 C8 00 00 60 BB 0F 00
    68 48 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
    48 09 00 00 64 F5 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
    Im not to sure also about the two 68 - as they should not match - EDIT: one number found for the last 68 - EC

    TTDT.exe the Real infolib.dat , extinfo.dat , savlib.dat , usercheat.dat Editor, For DSTT are Ysmenu for r4 original

  19. dupasuka

    dupasuka Well-Known Member

    i may sound newbish, but where do i put that code of yours?
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    The code is already in infolib.dat file i downloaded of your's, I just used TTDT.exe to open the infolib.dat file and used the first part of the gameID to find it BJ3E , it was first on the list , duddle click on ID to open code and edit - you can also open extinfo.dat with ttdt

    I only worked out one part the last 68 to EC

    With TTDT.exe always save as a new infolib.dat file in a folder , Don't over ride original one - Just work's that way!
    Post Merge: [time]1285668699[/time]
    EDIT: the last 68 48 - 48 could be 4C are C9