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Etrian Odyssey 3: The Drowned City

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Dart3055, May 29, 2010.

  1. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    General discussion thread in anticipation of Etrian Odyssey III which is confirmed in the upcoming July issue of Nintendo Power on the index page.

    I felt like playing Etrian II the other day and decided to check for the sequel I was told probably wouldn't even be created. I was VERY PLEASED WITH THIS RECENT NEWS.

    So apparently the new game is focused on a seaside setting, with some boating ventures as well but still our standard first person dungeon crawling adventure that we're used to. Some of you have no doubt already checked it out by downloading the Japanese Rom. Well, I've been so psyched I decided to take a bunch of screenshots for you. Complete with spoiler tags to save page space. All classes have an alternate colour palette for more variety.

    Prince/Princess Class, Believed to be a support class with party wide buffs much like the Bard. Royal orders right? You'd best fight harder.


    Phalanx, The replacement for the Paladin or Protector. Look at that armor, is that not awesome? (Pssst, The answer is Yes by the way)

    Warrior, Nowhere near as threatening or German sounding as their Landsnkecht/Landshark Counterparts but still pretty awesome.

    Shinobi, Ninjas, every game needs a few and now you can join forces with pirate to make an unstoppable team!

    Zodiac, Believed to be the replacement for alchemists or otherwise magic users, with fancy new rainbow wings to boot.

    Ballista, EQ3 took notes from the Monster hunter series and upsized on their crossbows.

    Monk, This is both a replacement for the Medic class with powerful healing abilities as well as a new melee damage dealer. Very eager to use one.

    Farmer, For those of us who felt silly making a gathering party of hunters, we now have a dedicated class for this duty. With other useful skills of too of course!

    That's everything for classes, Speculate, translate, and tell me all about your party plans and anticipation. Personally I can't wait to try out Monks, Prince/Princesses and Phalanx. Though all the classes have gotten a pretty siginificant cosmetic upgrade. But with new classes comes new faces too.




    The game is said to feature a new subclass system that lets you take the best of both worlds while keeping your primary class's Specialty skill. There are also 'Limit skills' which can be equipped to multiple characters and sort of act as a team attack or buff, you collect different ones over the course of the game, some of which are very useful.

    There are apparently some translation projects on the go out there. But an NA release is coming and we'll probably have the exact date within the month. So happy hunting until then!

    Etrian Odyssey III(JP) https://www.romulation.org/NDS/4808_-_Sekaiju_no_Meikyuu_III_Seikai_no_Raihousha_%28J%29%28BAHAMUT%29.rar.html/
  2. Kresn1k

    Kresn1k Active Member

    OMG, it looks great, but, since I haven´t repaired my top display, I´ll wait for a translation or an US/eu,etc release.
    (BTW, the bar girl, looks great -love the pink-haired girls- also, the phalanx, ballista, shinobi & farmer)
  3. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    It seems she knows which features to enhance to get good tips too.
  4. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Just came back form games store and saw simaler cover...
  5. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    Seems like Tinypic dulled out the colours a bit, i'll try and fix that later. Anyway I've been sorely tempted to try and play through it in it's current state with a Japanese>English dictionary on hand. But so far i'm resisting by doing a playthrough of EO2. This is a pretty awesome resource for those of you having trouble figuring out their mechanics. I can't find detailed skills organized any better than this so if any of you have alternatives you should post them.

    Anyway, totally excited about new town NPCs. Multi classing and a new labyrinth. I've wandered a bit, if you've played the first couple of games you can definitely get through a good part of the dungeon but figuring out skill effects and quest objectives is problematic.
  6. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Love the art style of these games. I've yet to finish the first though, I remember it having a pretty punishing difficulty.
  7. khaos_dragon89

    khaos_dragon89 Active Member

    Oh gosh the Farmers are so adorable. And I'm digging that female red headed monk.

    The royalty class seems kinda cool too. I can't wait for this to come out. Not a really BIG fan of the games but I like them.
  8. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    too bad the hexcaster or whichever it was called is taken away....

    loved the first 2 games.....but never finnished the second one....
  9. seriaku

    seriaku Well-Known Member

    Warrior/Royals/Phalanx in front
    Zodiac and what ever heals at back row.
    Thats probably what my team will be, but also depends on skills, still gotta finish EO 2 since im on floor 40ish
  10. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    And now I'm going to try the game.
  11. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    Haha I'm going to spent all my life at the bar.Come here babe~
  12. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Finally the Female Characters now have "assets" now... ::) :p

    I'm probably going:
    F: Phalanx-Warrior
    B: Monk-Zodiac-Ballista
  13. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    Monks are the new primary healers I'm pretty sure, but don't have to be so much as it's an option. Phalanx look pretty amazing and i'm always a fan of defensive tanks. I'm thinking my first party makeup (Tentative on abilities, this'll just be for looks) Monk, Phalanx, Princess, Zodiac, Warrior. Props to that Ballista for looking awesome, but I'm not a big fan of ranged classes.

    Except i'm a hypocrite considering my current party in 2 is Hexer, Protector, Dark Hunter, Medic, and Bard. The bard is using that conditional drop from Chimera that costs 230k, The one you get for killing it with poison damage.