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ESRB Differences with Parents

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dornob, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. Dornob

    Dornob Member

    I'm a kid, but I know that a lot of parents care about their kid's safety in terms of violent video games. That said, there are some parents who seem to just go over the hook when it comes to the ratings.

    I used to play a FPS that was rated T, but my parents saw and didn't allow me to play even when it was T rated and it had no blood at all. I was peeved that the fact of my parents telling me what's appropriate for me but everyone else got to play whatever they wanted to play. Heck, even some 6 graders in my Middle School play Modern Warfare 2.

    I think that this should be the way. If your child doesn't do what's inside the game and they are responsible enough to play it without total craziness (I.E, doing it everywhere they go) then they should be able to play the game without consequences.
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    When I was a kid, my parents let me play what ever video games I wanted to :)

    But tough luck, you are what... 11 or 12? So that means you are stuck with the parents and have to follow their rules for at least another 5-6 years.
  3. Dornob

    Dornob Member

    12. I was probably 11 when the T incident occured.
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    It's just what they want. you'll understand later on why they didn't let you play them until you are older. i understand, but you must know why yourself. i can't really explain it, but if i had kids, i wouldn't let them play M or violent T games.

    i watch my brothers and sister a lot so i know what's good and what's bad for kids. i don't let my 14 year old brother play call of duty (not the M games) around our younger brothers and sister. i make him play it in another room. it's just parental instincts and teaching their young what's right and wrong and keeping them away from things that are bad/wrong influentially.

    it's just like a parent telling their children to stay away from strangers cause you don't know who they are or what they'll do to them....

    something like that or another.
  5. T-A.L.O.S.

    T-A.L.O.S. Well-Known Member

    you have my sympathy Dornob.

    its more about how mature you are mentally rather than your age. when i was younger i didnt go around messing up my house or destroying stuff because i was more mature than others. because of that my parents believed i could handle m rated games with bloody violence at a younger age.

    Now my parents let me play whatever i want because they know it is not going to influence me to the point where i start mimicing the bloody action.
  6. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Well if you think of it logically, it's not that unusual for a parent to not let an 11 year old play rated T (13+) games.

    It's kind of the law, you know.
  7. Tyson346

    Tyson346 Well-Known Member

    the law cmon i know a 8 year old who plays resident evil
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    But legally, an 8 year old cannot buy Resident Evil.
  9. Tyson346

    Tyson346 Well-Known Member

    but he/she can still play it
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    at parents discretion.
  11. TheMax1087

    TheMax1087 New Member

    Theres no law that says an 8 year old cant buy it, just most stores wont sell it to an 8 year old
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Actually its illegal to sell to underaged children. THe law just isnt very well enforced.
  13. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Well..what they dont know wont hurt em.

  14. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    i let my 10 years old brother play RE 5 and left 4 dead :p

    and when i was 10-13 my parent let me to play any games i want
  15. TheMax1087

    TheMax1087 New Member

    Im not sure what country you are refering to, but the ESRB is only used in america, and there is NO law in any state that says anything even remotely resembling being unable to sell t or m or even ao rated games to minors that hasnt already been ruled unconstitutional(i.e. the ones that were passed in Illinois, Minnesota, and California, among others). Same with Movies and the MPAA ratings
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    its illegal in the UK, and we use the ESRB ratings (and sometimes BBFC ratings, but they tend not to want anything to do with games)
  17. TheMax1087

    TheMax1087 New Member

    As of 5 months ago the UK only uses PEGI , not to mention they never used the esrb(though i was wrong about it being US only, since canada also uses the esrb)
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens


    At least in your countries it's a "logical" entity who decides which things are for which age group or which are appropriate or not.

    Here in my country it's a body of Christian naggers ("ooh, Yu-gi Oh is demonic", or "ooh Magick is satan's way"), Hippie tree huggers ("Ooh violence is bad mm'kay?") & hypocrite "conservatives", you know those kind of people who still believe in values that to this day no longer goes with the times.