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Error message on DSi

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by KajaMia, May 17, 2010.

  1. KajaMia

    KajaMia Member

    Hi all

    I have an Acekard 2.1 DSI compatible with the newest Akaio Software on it, but when I put it into the Nintendo DSi, the screens goes black and it says; an error has occurred. Press and hold the Power Button to turn the system off. Please see the Nintendo DSi Operations Manual for help troubleshooting.

    I can pick the Acekard symbol in the menu, but when I press A - this error comes. The games on it is from Romulation.

    I have tried the same card on my DS Lite, and it runs with no problems.

    Is it some kind of setting on the DSI that has to be changed, or why this error?

    Cheers Lars
  2. rkmasters

    rkmasters Member

    your dsi firmware is version 1.4 so it wont run, fortunately there is a fix for this, and its on the following page: http://www.ps3news.com/Nintendo-DS/acekard-2i-nintendo-dsi-firmware-1-4-fix-is-now-available/
    just put the file in the root directory of your sd card and run it on your ds LITE it will ask if you want to update just follow the directions when you boot it, when you put it back in your dsi it will say that the game in the slot is: Danny Phantom Urban Jungle, but dont worry, when you select it the akaio menu will load ;D