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equitypetey is a hypocrite

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by equitypetey, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    OK some of you may be aware that when i started on romulation i was a 360 hater (mainlybecause of fan boys and idiots), i couldn't stand anyone even mentioning the 360. i thought it was a badly designed over hyped piece of poop.
    i always would argue that the ps3 is better and i do still believe that the ps3 does have more potential.


    i have a 360 now

    OK i know what your thinking "HYPOCRITE" but I'm not really, OK i bashed the xbox a bit but i still do think it is a badly designed piece of poop. and if i had my way I'd have a gaming PC but i don't have the money.

    so here is how i ended up with a 360..
    i am a moder, all consoles and the like, i mod so it looks good or plays backups or both. i wanted to build a new gaming PC, a really good one to play next gen games. the problem i have no money and the parts i want came to more then i could every afford....
    i wanted to be able to play bioshock, assassins creed and more then i thought OK they are on 360 as well.
    while i was in my hour of confusion my brother had been buying the RROD 360's off eBay, fixing them and selling them. so i thought "ah what the hell it will do me till i can afford my computer" and i went on eBay and bought a RROD 360 for £55 .
    so i got this hunk of poop through my door and set to work.
    firstly i did the X-clamp mod YAY i now have a working 360 for next to nothing then i thought OK i want to flash it so i did.... YAY i have a 360 that plays backups.
    I'm a moder remember so i was not happy that it still was badly made and over heats so i put the upgraded fans in the back so now it moves more air, quieter and looks nice. then i cut the mesh from the back this allowed the air an easier flow and made it surprisingly quieter.
    then i did the air flow mod, meaning i made it so that the air gets sucked through the heatsinks not over or around them and i blocked up any holes so suction is at its maximum.
    then i thought what the hell lets mod it further so i took a drill and a saw to my case and after i bit of work bolted a PC fan on the top. now i have a 360 that stays cool.
    its up on those spacers becuase if your not aware the ram sits underneath the motherboard so it just lets it stay a bit cooler.
  2. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Hey man, that's pretty awesome, if I ever get a 360 I'll remember to send it to you for modding, great job!

    Okay, I probably won't ever get a 360 :p
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member


    Kidding, nice going with the fan there. You should have got the Black Elite 360, looks way cooler. But I assume you just bought the core system, as it's a ripoff to buy the one with 20GB, and I don't think there's a Black Elite core..
  4. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    Great job man, nice modding.
  5. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    I like the fans and all but oh my.....you sawed off the gratings...
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    yeah it gives the fans easyer airflow as it doesn't need to push the air through the holes it also makes it quieter.
    my 360 is basicly silent. i hated the sound of those fans that where in it before, all that WWWOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOHHHHH(sound of a noisey fan) drove me nuts.

    now i have my free month on gold YES i am and i've decided i'm no longer going to build a gaming pc i'll build a media centre pc insted.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    The fact of the matter still remains, it should not be necessary to mod a console to make it work as described. No matter what people say or how good it is after modding, that is a black mark against the console. It should do the job it is advertised to do to an acceptable level of reliability without being modded. Microsoft seem to think that the 'fit for purpose' clause of the Supply of Goods and Services Act doesn't apply to them, especially by their reaction to the guy that threatened to take them to court on those grounds after he had 4 xbox 360s RRoD.
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i know thats why i thought they sucked and didn't want one but its because of there stupidity that i got one for very cheap.
    what gets me is why don't they look to the modding comunity. like the fans in the back, they are loud fans that move a small amount of air and the after market fans spin less but move more air. why not put better fans in, in the first place.
    the answer to the question is cost but they have lost more money having to replace red lighters then if they just changed the way the make it. also they could have put better paste on the cpu and gpu and they could just bolt the heatsinks down rather then the x-clamp which is the cause of rrod problem.
    also they made it so it can stand on its side so its verticle which is stupid again because the biggest intake of air comes for the bottom. also they shold of relesed a warning to not put it in a cabinate as it needs air flow around it.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I think they did eventually release an advisory recommending that it is not installed in a cabinet.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Yes but Micro$oft should know better than to assume that the user is intelligent in that respect. I can almost guarantee you that over 95% of people will not even consider the possibility of the thing overheating in a confined space, its just not something they think about, intelligent or not. Considering that Micro$oft seem to assume every user of their Windows products is an idiot, why are they assuming that xbox360 owners will have the sense not to install it in a cabinet? I think they should assume a higher intelligence on the part of Windows users, and expect less of 360 owners, because lets face it, its not an obvious issue until the thing RRoDs. Unless you do your research that is. A/V stuff in general is designed to go in cabinets, thats why TV cabinets exist. Since the 360 should not go in a cabinet, it should carry a clear warning to that effect.
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Don't xbox live detect chipped and modded 360's?
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    depends how its modded. Theres no reasonably practical method of detecting case mods.
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I don't dare go on with mine and I don't know how mine was done, I'd be vigilant no matter what mod though...
    equitpetey should most definately make sure his is safe first.
  14. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    No it doesn't.
  15. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    they have detected old flashes but mine is flashed with ixtreme 1.4 which is the most recent one and is still currently undetectible on live. i currently am playing on live with backups and i have not been banned but one day when microsoft can detect it then i will be banned but it won't happen for a while as the way they detected it before was that the flashed 360's drives ran at different speeds but the new firmware hides it.
  16. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    what do you mean. if a new one comes out then yes if your 360 is already blocked it will make no differance
  17. duderedux

    duderedux Well-Known Member

    Yes it does. In Japan(Sony tries to block out all negative press about it. remember how they tried to block out the explding laptop batteries scandal?) 30% of PS3's were warping/melting disks(bluray disks ,DVDs, ps2 disks but especialy when used as a DVD palyer).
  18. duderedux

    duderedux Well-Known Member


    Anyways,and also, nice mod. But still, get a gaming PC. Spending money on a console that you later have to modify ain't worth it. but a 55 buck 360 is also ok, I guess.
  19. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    nah not going to get a gaming PC now, well not for a while anyway, its not really worth it as the games i want are all on the console i have and i don't have the money for the PC i want to build. in time i will make a gaming PC but I'm happy at the moment.
    also if i had the PC i would not be able to game online as i only really play "backups" and PC servers are a little bit more intelligent then xbox live.

    just to add since i did the mod I've been putting my hand around the back to feel how hot the air is and its only just warm, its not even got hot yet even when (I've just completed halo3 don't have a go at me i actually liked it) I've been playing halo for 5 hours strait.
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Halo 3 is awesome, I agree about multiplayer it's awesome! But multiplayer levels aren't big enough...