The full moon gleams above in the sky, a wolf in the nearby forest howls.And my ePSXe 1.7.0 shows a black screen when I hit "Run Iso" button for Final Fantasy IX. My ePSXe is configured with a BIOS(SCHP1001), Pete's 1.18 video plugin, Pete's DS Sound audio 1.9, P.E.Op.S 1.4 driver.I can see some options of memory card and CD player and things like that when I "Run BIOS", but a simple-plain-pure black screen when I choose the game's .iso. I've downlaoded the game from a website.It was divided into 4 discs.And the files inside them are .ecm(a ~600GB file) and a .cue(1 kb file). Now what do I do for making my game run? I know conversion method of .ecm to .iso with Nero.But, I don't know if I have to make separate .iso's for all the 4 discs or a single .iso Please help me!
Thanks for the page, it gave me an alternative to the Nero iso proceess. Separate ISO? Okay.And 1.5.2? Sure, but doesn't the latest version offer more compatibility?
Working, I can see the game, YAY!! But, I don't want to be greedy, but it's uber CPU isn't a low configurated one. Intel i3 3.1Ghz DDR3 4GB ram Intel H55 HD graphics 1681 MB What should I do for speed up?
your graphics chip is probably the problem. Intel graphics chips are so-called 'hardware assisted' graphics, meaning the driver, or in other words, the CPU, does all the graphics work and the graphics chip itself does virtually nothing. So essentially your CPU is having to do all the intensive graphics calculations as well as having to emulate the PSX. It may be that the combination of the two tasks is too much for your CPU, which is a fairly low end model within the current line-up from intel.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn gave me 70-80 FPS in dolphin.But, this FF game which has very less graphics than the previously said game is slow.Any kind of config/setup tweaks for the emulator or plugin to make it speedy?