When I load certain roms they seem to be going waaaay too fast. I keep " tuning" the options but, since Im NOT sure which one I'm supposed to be adjusting..Could someone let me know which plug ins I'm supposed to adjust? Thank you in advance. HoustonTX224
I tried upgrading to 1.7.0 and I copied my plugins over and my bios file and STILL there seems like there was a lot missing. Is there more that I need than just my plugins and bois for the swithc over to 1.7.1? Post Merge: [time]1272578220[/time] Did a quick d/l of the 1.7.0 and switched things over and says the zlib.dll is missing? I went an d google dit but, when i get to the zlib.dll site it says its dangerous to just d/l the zlib.dll file. Is this true? Post Merge: [time]1272578285[/time] I swithced it to 35 and still the rom is running fast.
1.7.1 is a fake version. Not really though, just download the zlib1.dll, and place it on the same folder with your ePSXe. Tick the 'Use FPS Limit' after you put the limit numbers(35-60). and then click Ok.
Thank you all for the responses. It might take me a few more tries than some but, I eventually get it done. epsxe version 1.7.0 IS up and functional. Just proves AGAIN that Romulation IS THE BEST!!!