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Energy drinks (or other caffine based drinks)-Do they even work?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by mds64, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ok-today I did a first-I tried a "mother"-it has the highest legal amount of caffine in australia currently.

    Now let me say-it tasted like crap!

    And I didn't feel powered up like the kids I sell it to-they reply "heh I feel like I'm high after a few of these"-yeah right how would you know mister 12yr!
    Now, caffine or anything like that doesn't work on me-apples do because of the natural sugar (apparently it is a better subsitute than coffee-in health and making you more awake).

    Now, some intelligent people who do or don't drink these energy drinks know the effects-some go spazzo and then drop like a rock when it wears down-and many I seen drink more than the reccomended amount on the can-say it's 4 on "V" can-I seen 7!

    But here is a thought-is it all just mental brainwashing by advertising or word of mouth?
    Or prehaps it does actually work!

    Lately I been seeing kids at my super market go crazy over these things-and after a few studies and current affair shows-these kids aren't doing well at school-they are going hyper (apparently) and can't sit still in class and during sports they do WORSE because it wears off!

    Christ-kids don't need this stuff-if anything my brother has enough "energy" to rival 500 can's of the stuff-and yet kids his age-just as crazy-are drinking them-and because of the thought it invigorates them-they go crazy!

    So..what do you think-do they actually work-or is it another case of advertising brainwash treatment?

    (Personally they should have an legal age limit on these-it's not good for kids for heaven's sake!)

    EDIT:Because of the fact that many people think this works-you can still discuss-but I'd wish this to focus on kids-such as 12yr's as I seen-and what you think makes them want it-or think they need it.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It varies to person to person.

    Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work. It just means that it doesn't work for you.

    Energy drinks/coffee get me really energetic.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Coke used to work on me...partially because I so BADLY waned them to work at parties for people I never really see :(

    Now I know it never did-fell asleep at 11pm-I stay up past 2am normally.
  4. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    they work ive drink 1 and i felt pumped up!
    but much is crazy someone on our neighborhood gone crazy by drinking 2 cases of an energy drink losing his children in the process
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Now that's messed up.

    Guess I'm immune :(

    Still-I still wonder if it's media brain washing for some people-sure caffine's a drug and all but it's just a therory as to why kids underage drink it.
  6. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    well my cousin drinks one bottle before basketball games
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It's not, it's scientifically proven that caffeine help people stay awake.



    Kids drink it to be cool. Just like how owning pokemon cards or wearing your hat backwards was cool at one point. Getting a high source of caffeine is a lot easier to get a hold of and it's natural for kids to hover over them. Energy drink are an "adult" thing so kids want to be like the older kids.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'd be lucky to have a bottle of vanila coke while on lunch break-but most days I do not-infact it's the days with the apple and no caffine I feel powered up...

    Then again I avoid reliying on caffine-might become dependant on it...

    I do turn to video games for fun despite having out going friends and a car and relaxed police attendance-but that's addict talk and not related.
    Post Merge: [time]1253270398[/time]
    Ouch-looks like this thread is gonna die now that you posted nat :(

    ...if this does die I'll focus this towards kids-they are my main concern.
  9. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    Well I LOVE energy drinks, they taste really nice, some taste really crap though. I don't drink them regularly, every couple of weeks I'll have one or two. It doesn't have any affect on me unless I have like 4 in under an hour. I did that once & I got the shakes, felt like crap & REALLY fast heart-rate. Although if you get hyperactive really easily i wouldn't recommend drinking them.
    I don't think there should be a legal age limit on them, but a legal limit how many a kid can have a day, no more then 1 or 2 I reckon.
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    How would they keep track of how many a kid drank? It's easy to go from one store to another.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    That's a bit much-here we have the bad side of these things.

    They pump up your heart too much.

    SOme kids don't feel it like others and go beyond 4 an hour-without shakes.

    Hence why I wish for legal limit-kids will abuse them until they suffer permanent damage-or even a heart attack as I heard.

    16 at least-resonable I reckon.
    Post Merge: [time]1253270821[/time]
    As for tracking them-just no drinks until 16 at least-better none than too much.

    Unlike alcohol it can't be spotted-unless you know a hyper kid on sight on energy drinks.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    How could you check if the kid's 16 or not? It's not easily distinguishable in appearance, and there's a lot of 16 year olds with no form of ID or they never carry it with them.

    These energy drinks cost money and I know 12 year old kids don't have the kind of money to go buy an unhealthy amount of energy drinks. Especially when there are carbonated sodas that taste ten times better or there's candy or a video game they want.
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    In australia (which has a legal limit-in america there is none and many go higher than australias-like that cocaine one) we have id for 16 year olds...

    Yes many don't carry it-but same for those over 18-and that is a common excuse to driving without a licence.

    We could say 18-but that's a bit much-hard to tell a legal age for these-but if it were 18 it'll be easier to track-if disagvantaging 16yrs.
  14. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    I don't really think energy drinks actually work. I tried drinking one and it made me exhausted just sitting around doing absolutely nothing. Probably another way to rip off consumers.
  15. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    It gives you a 10 minute caffiene hit, whats the point... regular exercise would provide a much greater to increase your energy levels.
  16. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    As Natewlie said it depends on the person drinking it.

    I use "Shock" or "Semtex" drinks, when i'm at a LAN party or when i have to finish work, that i need done for tomorrow. These drinks give me that extra hour i need.
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Wish this was facebook...

    [me=mds64]likes this [THUMBS UP][/me]
  18. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    if you want to talk about facebook... petey's your man!!
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hrm, nah-facebook-romUlation-2 serperate personalities.

    If you think I'm emo here try finding my facebook o_O

    (what to add to get this on topic...)

    At least kids under 13 shouldn't really touch the stuff :(
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks


    See: My posts.

    Also I don't really see a bad thing in kids getting a hold of this stuff. It isn't that unhealthy for you. In moderation it's good for you.

    Reason as to why?