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Emulator Testers

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ZeroSlayer01, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. ZeroSlayer01

    ZeroSlayer01 Well-Known Member

    What I suggest (which I doubt anyone will do anything about, but I want to suggest it anyway and I hope some day they will), is a game or something that will test emulators...
    Also, the point would be to see whether or not the emulator works for games/has everything it needs. Even when people try to download things on their own, they might find files that are said to be for the emulator, but may not be...and what if some emulators just plain don't work or something?

    I've found myself having wasted points on two different games. The first I abandoned. The second, I couldn't get the emulator to work...so I think a tester might help.

    I don't care whether it should be some sort of demo game or something else, but the main points should be...

    1. It should act like a game, so I guess maybe it should be like a demo game or something...but I don't know. I won't push that issue. If it doesn't act like a game, how will we know that games will work on the emulators/that the emulators are working?

    2. It should only work, like the games, if the emulator has all the plugins/bios/whatevers that it needs.

    3. It should not cost ANY points. I'll repeat, it should cost NO POINTS WHATSOEVER...since one of the points is to stop wasting points on games and then find onesself unable to play them because the emulators don't work.

    4. There should be at least one for every different type of console, so that there can be one for each different type of emulator.

    I don't know how the rest of it should go...but yeah...that's my suggestion...something like a demo game that doesn't cost any points...or something.
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Emulators aren't perfect, that's just something you have to live with. Testing every game on the website is unrealistic. Numerous emulators exist for each system and numerous PC setups exist.

    We can't create demos from the games if none exist. Points are not used to "purchase" games by any means. Points are used to pay for the bandwidth used on the website.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    different games need different configurations and the configurations may be different on different computers. What you're asking for is an impossibility.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Um...there are guides out there that tell people if the games they are trying are gonna work.

    Dolphin (gc emulator) and pcsx2 (ps2 emulator) have guides on their respective sites, and other sites also have them...people do need to improve their google skills :)