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emulator save problem

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by harsh, Dec 12, 2009.

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  1. harsh

    harsh Member

    I'm using ePSXe 1.7 and i just cant find a way to resolve the save problem
    my memcards are


    here is the path of my memcard file
    epsxe000.mcr (C:\Documents and Settings\Harsh\Desktop\spxe\1.7\memcards)
    epsxe001.mcr (C:\Documents and Settings\Harsh\Desktop\spxe\1.7\memcards)


    P.S the game I'm playing is final fantasy 9
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Check the folder path. I'd say the "psxe" is suspect, since the name of the default folder is usually epsxe (the name of the emulator).
    Also, ePSXe doesn't create the memory card files until you properly exit the emulator. So make sure when you exit the emulator, you are pressing "ESC" to go back to the GUI and then closing the ePSXe GUI program. Don't just close the game window.

    If all else fails, create a folder on C:\ called "MemoryCards" and change the configuration to "C:\MemoryCards"
  3. harsh

    harsh Member

    I'm sorry I'm kind of new to the emulator, could you please explain in brief on what should i do?

    Post Merge: [time]1260633008[/time]
    another thing that i do is when i save using the save states or saving in-game
    i press ESC then close the emulator window.
    i hope that is fine, because i don't know any other way to turn of that program lol
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Just go to Config, then go to Memory Cards.
    Your folder path isn't right.
  5. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    You don't need to rename your folder(psxe) to ePSXe as Tirith have said,
    the only thing you need to make sure is your memory card path.

    Just make sure to press "Ok" after done configuring it.
  6. harsh

    harsh Member

    is my path.
    what should i change it to?
    i don't get it, I'm not able to come up with a solution.
    or is there something wrong with the configuration of my epsxe?
    please advice if there is.
    Post Merge: [time]1260718830[/time]
    C:\Documents and Settings\Harsh\Desktop\epsxe\1.7\memcards\epsxe000.mcr
  7. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Your path needs to be what ever the actual path is.

    So you say the location is
    C:\Documents and Settings\Harsh\Desktop\epsxe\1.7\memcards\epsxe000.mcr
    But earlier you said in the config it is
    C:\Documents and Settings\Harsh\Desktop\spxe\1.7\memcards\epsxe000.mcr

    So fix the patch (psxe->epsxe)

    Or, take the easiest step.
    Create a folder in C:\ called epsxememorycards
    Then create the path as C:\epsxememorycards\epsxe000.mcr
  8. harsh

    harsh Member

    I did that my friend, that's why i posted it here. you told me to that yesterday.
    Post Merge: [time]1260719143[/time]
    oh my bad, let me try that last part of what you said, will report back on what happens
  9. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    If it's still not working.

    Just copy all the files into a new location/folder.
    and then configure it again.
  10. harsh

    harsh Member

    you mean the two memory card files to that new location ?
  11. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    As long as the folder path actually exists that is in the Memory Card configuration, then the file will be created. But ePSXe will not create folders that don't exist, so the folder path has to be correct, and the folders actually have to exist on your computer.
  12. harsh

    harsh Member

    alrighty, so will this do?
    C:\Program Files\epsxememorycards\memcards\epsxe000.mcr
  13. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    As long as those folders actually exist, yes. If they do not exist, you need to create them.




    See the Path that exists in the Windows bar? That path has to be the one that is in your ePSXe Configuration.
    Your path will be different, but what ever that path is has to be the one in your configuration.
  14. harsh

    harsh Member

    jeez man, i tried exactly what you stated, but to no good.
    can we please solve this by the means of team viewer?
    i hope you have it.
  15. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Just post screenshots of what ever you have.
    Use the PRT SCR button (print screen) and Paste the image into MS Paint.
  16. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    What Tirith means is...

    The path of the memcard is different on both areas.

    On the windows bar, it shows a full path
    For example,

    While on the emulator(Config --> Memory cards),
    it looks like this...

    - Did your memory card folder even exist?
  17. harsh

    harsh Member

    sorry for that, ok ill post some screenshots right away !
    Post Merge: [time]1260723063[/time]
    god, i took screen shots but how to upload on the same post like you did

    I'm sorry, I'm new to this site :(
  18. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    First I uploaded them to a image host like imageshack.us
    I used the IMG tags

    Take the link for the IMG like this:

    Then put the IMG tags around it like this:
    Then when you post it with the IMG tags on the Image Link, it looks like this:
  19. harsh

    harsh Member


    alright, this is what my set up looks like. i guess it's pretty similar to yours
  20. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Ok. Everything is right.

    So Play it and it will likely work just fine.
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