Hey guys, When i download a GBA rom from here, and i try to unzip the folder, the folder is empty. What could cause this?
Re: Empty rom folders Best guess, is that when you extracted them the were sent to a different default folder(use the search function to find it). also fun fact, emulators such as virtualboy can play roms inside .zip, .rar and later editions .7zip but only if it has one .gba file. anymore and it will only pick the first alphabetical one.
Re: Empty rom folders You fail to specify the game title, though I'd bet you tried unzipping a .rar file.
Re: Empty rom folders I've made sure to zip the ROM folder into a specified map, but it still shows up as empty.. even if i look in the .zip file with my unzip program, it still comes up as empty. Post Merge: [time]1418034641[/time] Also, i'm using the Virtualboy emulator, which i got from my old computer. I have a rom from another site, and that works.
Re: Empty rom folders Pokemon emerald and Pokemon red rescue team for GBA.. file sizes are 5,9 and 8,8 Mb Post Merge: [time]1418039522[/time] I just specified the title of this tread, so people aren't confused
Ok i am confused so lets start with what i can help with. Does your version of virtualboy have R, RR or M at the end of VBA. If you have 1.7.3 or 1.8.0beta, i recommend getting M the latest version. the latest version of virtualboy can play the games without extracting the file. all you have to do is just take the rar file, put in the VBA folder and select it when you choose open gba rom. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO EXTRACT IT. If you still wont do that, do you have winrar or 7zip. quick trick with that is to right click the rar file, click EXTRACT HERE. this should place the gba file in the same folder as the rar.
You MUST use winRAR or 7zip to extract the files. Rar is a completely different format to zip and is not supported by winzip or windows built in zipped folders.
I think that's not possible, I have a PC with windows 8.1, and winzip isn't working. I'll screenshot what shows up on my PC tomorrow. Post Merge: [time]1418128842[/time] i've just downloaded 7zip.. ill let you guys know if its working or not
Ok i guess my suggestion gets no love. literally the most simple thing ever. Download VBAM, extract it to a folder, take games you download here, place in same folder. no muss no fuss, requires no extracting or anything else(well might require framework though). Just load and play, nothing to difficult about it. SIGH Either way, hope you get to playing GBA emulator soon.
Your suggestion is simple and helpful yes But everyone is trying to figure out why this guy cant see the file inside the archive. I'm sure it will work once he has downloaded winrar/ 7zip like Loonylion said.
"This guy" is a girl, thank you very much. Post Merge: [time]1418148083[/time] Sorry about that, i'm basically checking this forum via my phone.. I was already downloading them into the same folder. how can i find if my gba emulator is a VBAM? Post Merge: [time]1418148230[/time] NEW PROBLEM: pokemon emerald does load, but the screen stays white.
You are excused XD Post Merge: [time]1418154280[/time] does anybody know whats wrong with the white screen?
oh crap, i forgot about that. some games to play on visual boy requires the gba.bios and vba-over to play them(and fix some errors too). i guess you can either search for them on google or i guess you can try no$gba. you know what, ill make a VBAM pack for you and send you a IM to get it.
Try VBA Re-Recording for playing games if VBA-M or other one have a problem. Download it here! https://code.google.com/p/vba-rerecording
Rules of the internet number 16 states that: Also regarding GBA.BIOS and vba-over.ini. If your emulator IS VBA-M found here: http://vba-m.com/ You wouldn't need to worry about the vba-over.ini file as this version already comes with it. As for the bios file, the best place to get it would be over at "the paradise"... sorry I don't know if the place is also considered as a rival ROMs site or not so I can't give out a direct link. But if you do a Google search for "GBA BIOS" the one you'll need would be the one whose URL address has the word "Paradise" on it. Also people, if you are going to help others out do try your best to give links to people or at least some "helpful hints" as most often these people don't know exactly what they need to be searching for. Saying things like: Isn't exactly being helpful