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emos how did they start and please post your comments about them

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ian13456, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    there is an emo invasion in our school.Ummm I'm just curious about this emo thing. My best friend is acting strange lately he doesn't care about anything.He doesn't want to play anymore and umm he keeps playing sad musics.Is this a part of being emo? (before you say google is your friend i searched and searched but I didn't see any useful information instead of emo it leads me to a word with emo as a part of the word.)hmm please help me and what does emo mean?Hey but I like their hair.

    ermmm please answer my question too about how did they start.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    emo is a stupid fad that teenagers are following. supposidly the music is part of it, as is cutting yourself and whining about how hard your life is.
  3. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Please don't tell me he cuts himself as well, I went through that kind of thing, and it was hard to stop. All it was was like trying to gloat that you are a sad person so people would feel sorry for you. It doesn't work, but yeah, it's a bit sad...
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    yeah don't become an emo like him. emo's are sad little bastards who can make the smallest thing sound like the world is coming to the end.

    it does stem from the music and stands for emotional but its just an excuse to listen to rubbish music and dress like a girl.
    don't worry they will grow out of it when they realize the all look stupid and the crying about everything won't solve anything.
    you just got to hope they don't evolve in to scene kids because they act like chavs that look like emo's (scary)
  5. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Actually I never got into the emo style of clothing/appearance. So, please don't generalize us all.

    Also, I'm emotional now, not emo...
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Emos are tres lame :p

    Goth kids rule!
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    goths are just as bad
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I'd rather look odd, bizarre &/or seedy in black than look like a girl ;D
  9. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    The only ones that I've met are some of the biggest attention whores I've ever seen which leads me to believe all they want is attention. I promptly ignore them so that I have a chance of causing one of them to start cutting themselves from the depression of not being noticed.
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member


    I just want to go punch those pussies in the face.

  11. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    im not even going to start, I had a massive rant in the rants section but im pretty sure I removed it.

    Emos are a myth, they dont actually exist. They are of no value to this world or society. I wish that they would all learn to slit thier wrists properly so they can stop taking up valuable space on this planet.
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

  13. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    i think emo are just a bunch of kids that follow a fad as loonylion says. I doubt they even understand the meaning of what they do. cutting yourself, wearing eyeliners, skirts, lipstick, and collars. Kind of a waste of money, id rather go for a few hardwares that'll make my PC run faster.
  14. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

  15. BerserkChip

    BerserkChip Active Member

    Emo, supposedly, is someone who is emotionally broken due to past events. Kids think the angst that comes with being in this emotional state is cool so they emulate it.

    One thing that annoys me though. People have recently been labling ANY anime character who's even has the SLIGHTEST bit of emotional depth is labeled as Emo by fans and haters. It wouldn't bother me if I didn't like some of the characters they do this to.
  16. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    i would say that someone who gets with the whole "emo" bandwagon is trying to fit in...i'm just sayin'...
  17. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    It all started in the 80's as a branch of punk music. Mostly these idiots are attention whores and they do stuff like cutting themeselves and wearing make-up, generally they are touched in the head and think of themselves as unique.

    Alot of my ex-friends turned emo when the fad came to my country and it almost started a civilian war( soccer-players/discos started beating beating up emos, discos even wanted to beat me up, because i used to be friends with some of the biggest propagators of emo).

    My advice: Just ignore them and they'll fade away. If your friend turned emo, forget him, find new peeps to hang around.
  18. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    Mostly these idiots are attention whores and they do stuff like cutting themeselves and wearing make-up, generally they are touched in the head and think of themselves as unique.

    Attention whorin' be a hangin' offense on QU33N 4NN3'5 R3V3NG3. Yep. A short walk an' a sudden stop.
  19. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Damn, I just noticed I have an emo guy as my avatar and sig.
  20. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    But make sure you make a clear distinction between emo and scene. Scene is like emo, but with much cooler hair and cloths and they're into screamo and love to have fun. I have a lot of scene friends, but emo's... gosh... I went through the slitting wrists stage at one point because I was wondering why all the bigger kids did it. Emo's = bad impression on little kids. Damn those stupid emo's!