I figured out the cause of ALL my issues <3 Electrical Interference FTL... Anyone else ever have an issue because of Electrical Interference?
Just Google'd it BTW...Can it make you sick? If so, then it is VERY likely to have had sufficient EMI. o.0
If you were to include the color spectrum into the debate it could have some interesting topics to reconsider: Like anything below or above the average colors could have a small effect on the person if they were to be regularly exposed to the source of radiation... I am relating this idea to radiation theory...since all of light is some kind of radiation even electricity.
Not clue, but it did. Screen flashing, crashing, not reading all the RAM, not shutting down right, etc....
Correct. Though it seems I still have some issues...Same ones as I have had, but a LOT less often now that we've removed quite a bit of stuff from the apartment. o.0 BTW, I know it's a locational thing now, because it works PERFECTLY at school, but not at home.
hehehe... never heard of EMP causing problems with my gadgets... i never even heard of EMI anywhere except here which cause gadgets to berserk. Is there a gadget to know the levels of EM in your house? Mostly, my problem in my house is the materials used that hinders wifi signals from being received